Example sentences of "[adv] [art] [det] [conj] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 But we need to get our moral thinking clear on this matter all the more because in the first stages of unbridled conflict both sides seem to be suggesting that there really was no moral problem at all because the principle that they were obsessed with was the only one that mattered .
2 In a way , the pattern of her life was much the same as during the years following her mother 's death : she ate alone and as soon as she heard her father 's key in the door she went upstairs to her room .
3 The actors were pretty much the same as for The Trip — Susan Strasberg , Bruce Dern and , this time , there was a role for Nicholson , for whom that ever-popular name of Stoney was resurrected .
4 Davenport 's attitude to group marketing in general is much the same as for the Royal Oak .
5 The results are very much the same as in the Swedish material , with the exception of ‘ challenge ’ , where no difference was observed .
6 Essentially , everything is much the same as in the classical template except that in all probability it will be pretty well apparent to the reader quite soon who it is who has committed the murder .
7 ‘ The change has been pretty much the same as in the North Sea particularly , for example , in relationships with contractors and contracting policy .
8 The first results of the demonstration and violence were much the same as after the Olympia meeting in 1934 ; there was an immediate stimulus to recruitment for both fascists and communists and Special Branch estimated the significant , if transient , boost to fascist membership in East London to be around 2,000 .
9 At the next attempt , Odom excluded and when Cheshire had to take on the two Newcastle riders on his own , the result was just the same as in the initial race .
10 During the nineteenth century the absolute number of indigenous Siberians remained approximately the same as at the end of the eighteenth century , but their proportion in the total population of some five million fell to about 14 per cent .
11 We can check that this is pretty near the correct proportion ( 426/1326 = 0.321 ) ; once again , it is not exactly the same because of the crudeness of the averaging procedure .
12 In fact the figures were almost exactly the same as for the May Steam Gala .
13 Exactly the same as for the primary addictive disease of Chemical Dependency or any other form of addictive disease .
14 The mathematics is exactly the same as in the electrostatic case ; we need only to replace E0 by H0 and Er by unc in eqn ( 2.110 ) in order to get
15 Otherwise , the syllabus is practically the same as in the past but with the emphasis on accompanying and coaching movement with voice , percussion and taped music , which does give the lesson a different feel .
16 The explanation is probably the same as for the sector 's use of fixed-term contract workers — that casual workers are the principal form of temporary worker engaged .
17 I it it 's oh no , we do n't want war , we 're all against war , but nobody is prepared to bother actually to go to a meeting or , or pay a small subscription and , and then you w you could of had a very strong United Nations now the same as after the first world war , but it 's the people that did n't do it .
18 Thus Scotland and Wales would no longer have more than their fair share , and the average magnitude of their constituencies would be virtually the same as in the English regions .
19 As a result with good control of working capital , our cash flow overall was virtually the same as in the previous year in spite of the significant profit collapse and although there may be some further redundancies this year , I do n't expect them to be in any way on the same scale as during nineteen ninety two and the important thing is that we now have costs in line with the lower level of revenue as we look into nineteen ninety three .
20 The position in Wales is almost the same as in the non-metropolitan areas in England .
21 The subsequent stages are again the same as in the case of Government Bills except that there is a special standing committee for Private Members ' Bills .
22 Teachers will find that the educational goals which they set for their visually handicapped pupils are essentially the same as for the fully sighted children in their classes and that these goals are attainable .
23 The rules for the cameras in committees are essentially the same as in the House , except that it is recognised that it is not possible to exclude shots showing the public , especially those sitting behind the witnesses in a select committee .
24 The overall order of main classes in the second edition remains essentially the same as in the first edition .
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