Example sentences of "[adv] [art] [det] [conj] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The legal consequences are much the same as ensue on the dissolution of any firm or the departure of partners .
2 This turns out to be much the same as looking at ratios of odds , but avoids cumbersome multiplicative arithmetic .
3 Erm , that is n't necessarily the same as saying by the way your section will have to repeat that saving in future years .
4 Nevertheless she loved it just the same but had to sadly wave it goodbye , much to the relief of her cat who took a dim view of the competition !
5 The method used is largely the same as described for waterlilies , the condition in which the seed has been stored being absolutely critical in most cases .
6 Flying forwards is exactly the same as hovering in a wind except that you now have consciously to do things which you probably did automatically in the hover .
7 When this legislation is pushed through , we shall face exactly the same as happened with the poll tax .
8 The order of the list of land birds is almost exactly the same as appears in Darwin 's 1839 Journal of the Voyage of the Beagle , so these notes must have been used by Darwin as the basis for his subsequent publication .
9 Ex exactly the same as going to the present day .
10 ‘ Expenses are always the same as costs for a period . ’
11 So it 's just not quite the same as playing for people , so I guess that is my first love . ’
12 One thing is certain , the pressure of playing in an amateur event , even for your country , is never quite the same as playing for money .
13 In some countries that 's virtually the same as going through a wedding service .
14 This pattern is essentially the same as produced in the absence of actinomycin and confirms that at equilibrium insufficient drug is bound to the DNA to produce a footprint .
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