Example sentences of "[adv] [art] [adv] [adj] when [verb] " in BNC.

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1 This reticence is all the more striking when contrasted with the plethora of Second World War movies made both during the war and for many years afterwards .
2 Planning is all the more important when trading conditions are difficult and shareholders and debt financiers are consequently more nervous .
3 This figure is all the more staggering when put in context : it is over four times the value of all Bolivia 's other export earnings that year and about equal to the entire country 's official gross national product .
4 Relying on the moral relevance of one 's consent and exaggerating its moral significance is all the more tempting when doing so serves one 's own interests .
5 The figures are all the more startling when compared with mortgage bills of 18 months ago , when base rates hit a low of 7.5 per cent .
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