Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] those [Wh pn] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The railways aroused an even greater opposition for this as well as for numerous other reasons , and not only among those who quietly enjoyed the amenities of a large estate .
2 But do n't think that the benefits of Convocation membership are just for those who now live in the North West .
3 Subject to certain conditions , the council 's flats would be given away to those who currently occupied them .
4 A group of musicians stood in the angle of one of the buttresses of the cathedral playing tambour and fife whilst the Dean and Chapter , garlands of roses on their heads , danced in solemn procession around the severed head of a buck which had been placed on a pole , its brown eyes staring glassily over those who now rejoiced at its death .
5 Inheritance gives mainly to those who already have .
6 Her win at Brighton in a tough final has proved , even to those who still doubted after her Wimbledon win , that she is back !
7 Perhaps strangely to those who never associate it with efficiency and effectiveness , the public sector seems more successful in handling projects in certain areas than their counterparts in the private sector .
8 McKellar argued that while more than 70 per cent of people answering a questionnaire reported at least one hypnagogic experience the actual incidence may be even higher , as " it can be overlooked for a very long time even by those who subsequently realize that they have the experience frequently …
9 Apart from those who largely followed the path of organic growth — the Sainsburys and Westons — there were the clever deal makers , such as Robert Maxwell , Sir James Goldsmith or Peter de Savary .
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