Example sentences of "[noun prp] who have [verb] [pron] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 It was Dr Entwistle who had prodded her more firmly in that direction , oddly enough .
2 If I sometimes recognized this , I blamed my Aunt Lilian who had brought me up to give too much importance to careers and causes and things of the mind , simply because she had never known , herself , any of the pleasures of the body , and had , as a result , made me feel guilty now .
3 Hurst looked angrily at him , then questioningly at Noolan who had followed them in .
4 Has Collimore outside him and Collimore drives his cross in and is cleared by Hill Thomson playing it back in , difficult one for Greyson and he was a little bit fortunate I think there to find Thomson who 's given it away anyway .
5 It was Elspeth who had put him up to it .
6 Well , my gran had told me that she 'd gone down to see her friends who 'd get the Brown Lion after them by this time and er I decided to go down and tell them as I could see if they had n't got the radio on they would n't have known so as I walked from Burchells down Road I could see doors throwing open lights were coming on , people were coming out in the street and dancing and I got round down to the Brown Lion and it was all in darkness , and I rang the bell on the side door and I heard a few bumps and bangs and Mr who 'd kept it then came to the door , and I said do you know the war 's over and er he said oh no come on in that 's w now his son was a prisoner of war and they had been , he 'd continually tried to escape so much that he had his photograph taken in the Sunday paper , the , the Germans had had kept chaining him to the wall and other prisoners , other soldiers had got these photographs of him and smuggled them out and got them back to England , to the nearest papers , and er he he 'd said to my nan cos he knew she 'd always worked behind the bar , he said will you serve if I open the pub now , which was about eleven o'clock at night and she said yes of course , and the they opened the Brown Lion at about eleven o'clock at night in next to no time the place was full of people drinking , celebrating and of course the next day was really it .
7 He was almost tempted to say a prayer of gratitude to the God who had brought him out of Egypt but his contented contemplation was interrupted by the opening of his office door .
8 Once again they turned their backs on the God who had brought them out of Egypt , and threw themselves into the arms of another .
9 It was men like Terence Lewis who had spurred her on to get where she was today .
10 Things happened as they must have happened , only in fact it was Rufus who had picked her up and brought her back to Wyvis Hall .
11 I thought that was fair enough , so here we see Andy , Phil , Henri , Mike and Paul who have battled it out on the skirmish field and are ready for action in the sales field .
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