Example sentences of "[noun prp] say he [modal v] not [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I was glad to hear Lord Belstead say he would not use internment .
2 Although the river is only one to two feet deep G. says he would not walk across because the current is too strong and bottom too slippery .
3 Mrs Singh said he would not sit down and kept walking about .
4 When he came again Mrs Blakey said he must not return .
5 Edward said he could not fulfil the role without the support of the woman he loved .
6 Aid convoys have been backed up at the border since Monday after Gen Morillon said he would not leave Srebrenica until aid was allowed through .
7 Mr Butterworth said he could not share this view .
8 Dr Myerscough said he would not have let her go home without repeating the traces of the heartbeat or if she had gone home she would have been asked to attend on alternate days for check-ups .
9 Mr Widdup said he would not know what to do with ‘ the ludicrous amount of money ’ .
10 I have always looked upon you as Theo Daniel said he could not see the pain Frederica said was in the olives , and Alexander , still lecturing , said that Vincent had objected to paintings of symbolic Christs in Gethsemane by Bernard and his compères , had torn up his own , had made do with the olives themselves .
11 Mr Geoff Addy said he could not afford the crippling rise in payments on the Old Dun Cow in Post House Wynd .
12 Herr Klein said he could not confirm that Mengele had returned twice to Germany during his years in South American exile — once for the funeral of his mother — but he knew that he had escaped to Argentina immediately after the war .
13 Mr Paleokrassas said he could not say how much money would be granted to the industry , but added it was likely to be ‘ quite substantial ’ .
14 Mr Reagan says he can not recollect many of the key events surrounding the scandal , which he says was as much news to him as everyone else .
15 Johnson and Boswell made up their quarrel when they rose , with Johnson saying he would not have turned back , as he had threatened , and headed for Edinburgh .
16 County party chairman Kees Maxey said he could not give the reasons why Mr Knight was rejected because the outcome was decided by a secret ballot .
17 As Saturday passed Boswell talked of leaving Dunvegan on the Monday ; Johnson said he would not budge until the Wednesday .
18 ‘ It was when Lachlan said he 'd not come that your face changed .
19 Barry Glenn said he can not stop thinking about his ordeal , has problems sleeping and is scared to return home where his nightmare began .
20 President Clinton says he can not rule out the possibility of further action against Iraq following the row over the UN 's role as observer .
21 Richardson said he could not understand how his men had thrown away the game .
22 Richardson said he could not understand the timing of the release of the book , ‘ Strike Bowler ’ , but would ensure that his men maintained good behaviour .
23 When in July 1962 Adenauer said he might not retire the following year , pressure rose in the CDU to find a replacement .
24 But Father John Macdonald said he would not quit over his special relationship with divorcee Mary Sandeman — who as ‘ geisha girl ’ Aneka hit No 1 a decade ago with Japanese Boy .
25 County homicide chief , Lieutenant John Tenwolde said he could not rule out the possibility that Mr Spiro had also been a victim of his family 's killer .
26 Sergeant Arthur Colbert said he could not remember doing so .
27 Yesterday company spokesman Andrew Lincoln said he could not comment on any individual case until he had investigated .
28 Mr Minashi said he could not comment .
29 Mr Perez de Cuellar says he will not stand again .
30 But Mr Fallon said he would not support it as foxes needed to be controlled .
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