Example sentences of "[noun prp] 's [noun sg] with [noun prp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There was also unease at the PLO 's propensity to act against local opinion , witnessed in its treatment of the home-grown NGC in the late 1970s , its abuse of Joint Committee funds for politically corrupt purposes , and in Arafat 's flirtation with Husayn in the mid-1980s .
2 It is interesting to contrast Britomart 's fight with Radigund with Artegall 's final contest with Grantorto .
3 Steven also missed last Friday 's league match at Nancy and may be rested for Saturday 's match with Montpellier in view of the possible championship-decider at Monaco a week on Saturday .
4 The North 's match with London at Otley next Saturday will decide the championship — as if anyone cares .
5 In addition , it believes Encina could have quite conceivably gone on to the ES/9000 mainframe instead of Tuxedo , but thinks IBM 's deal with USL for that technology is effectively a spoiler for Amdahl Corp 's Tuxedo TP system offering on its IBM-compatible Unix mainframes .
6 It was not until after Darwin 's meeting with Gould at the Zoological Society to discuss the ornithological collection in early March , however , that the penny finally dropped .
7 The United States showed no sign of wishing to intervene in Spain 's quarrel with Britain over Gibraltar , but was not deterred from seeking closer relations with Spain .
8 Spain 's war with England in February 1656 put the Spanish subjects in the Jewish community at risk , and when the goods and ships of a fellow Marrano Antonio Rodrigues Robles were seized as belonging to an enemy alien , Carvajal finally joined with Manasseh ben Israel and five others on 24 March 1656 in petitioning the Protector for a formal statement permitting Jewish residence .
9 He once told the Conducator the old ( apocryphal ) story about Churchill 's meeting with Stalin in October 1944 .
10 In the event , however , Shamir 's meeting with Bush in Washington on Dec. 12 was friendly and , according to the Financial Times of Dec. 12 , " appeared to smooth over relations between the two leaders " .
11 Coleridge 's relationship with Sara in these months was developing in unexpected ways .
12 The two women had travelled from Durban to the holiday resort at Sordwana near South Africa 's border with Mozambique on Friday .
13 Pacelli 's relationship with Germany during the Second World War , and his apparent failure to act sufficiently vigorously in defence of the Jews , remains the great enigma of his pontificate .
14 The problem for the fathers was how to express that God could be said to have uniquely identified God 's self with Jesus of Nazareth , without making Jesus into God .
15 Pip 's relationship with Estella at the beginning is weak because of her attitude towards him and the reason why .
16 Thus instead of following the traditional linear progression of the allegory — a development towards contemplation based on Jacob 's union with Rachel after his marriage to Leah — Hilton is more interested in emphasising the coexistence of the two wives : In his reference to another facet of the story , that concerning Jacob 's change of name to Israel , allegorised as a man seeing God , Hilton does suggest a progression in contemplation for his pupil saying that he will become Israel , that is , fully contemplative , in the next world , certainly , and possibly even in this if his circumstances change so that he is relieved of worldly responsibility altogether .
17 Lewis 's connection with Scotland in general ( he fought as an amateur during the Commonwealth Games in Edinburgh ) and the city of Glasgow in particular may soon be strengthened beyond the use of a fax machine .
18 The British however , as has been seen , did not share France 's concern with Germany to the same extent and were reluctant to compromise their own independence in supranational bodies .
19 She was sitting on Claire 's bed with Annabel beside her and Annabel 's disgusting camel on her knee .
20 New Zealand 's quarrel with France over the Rainbow Warrior incident was formally ended when a French naval ship docked at Auckland for the first time in almost six years .
21 and a mild , though still blasphemous oath appears in the brief narrative transition from Dame Sirith 's dialogue with Margery to her reporting of her success to Wilekin .
22 Eliot 's relationship with London at this time is a mixture of love and hate .
23 The story of how Cnut 's brother Harald became king of Denmark after Swegen 's death and refused either to divide it or to help Cnut reconquer England does not square with Thietmar of Merseburg 's statement that he was in England in 1016 : were there aspects of Cnut 's relationship with Harald upon which the Encomiast , if he knew of them , did not wish to dwell ?
24 There was a real bond of friendship and understanding between many of the great churchmen of this age and leading warriors ; it would be a nice point to decide whether the happiness of St Margaret 's marriage to King Malcolm of Scotland ( see p. 210 ) was more or less remarkable than the depth of St Anselm 's friendship with Hugh of Avranches , the first earl of Chester , the savage hammer of the Welsh .
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