Example sentences of "[noun prp] on [pos pn] [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 J. B. Priestley , affronted by the impact of Texas on his English prejudices in 1954 , described the ugly results with pungency in Journey Down A Rainbow .
2 Receiving the Order of Lenin from Gorbachev 's men must have been almost a humiliation for Ceauşescu on his seventieth birthday in 1988 .
3 On The Other Hand won the Grand Military Gold Cup at Sandown on his first outing for Richards earlier this month and he should have improved even more since then .
4 Gorbachev again the reluctant guest of honour : Rupert Cornwell , our Moscow correspondent , who accompanied Mikhail Gorbachev on his momentous trip to Peking in May , considers the possible parallels with East Berlin
5 Words of wisdom from Phillippa Gregory on her particular brand of edification for the masses .
6 IMRAN KHAN will captain Pakistan on their four-Test tour of India beginning on 9 November and in the Sharjah Cup and Nehru Cup one-day tournaments .
7 She puts it on to follow Raskolnikov on his final journey to the police station , and through his mind flashes the thought that this is the shawl Marmeladov referred to in the pub as ‘ the family one ’ .
8 For a long time I was afraid that he had survived the raids of the Khabiris on our last outposts in the north ; but an infantry captain who had known him managed to make his way back to the Southern Capital and contacted my steward .
9 Local GPs , he said , had been ‘ very supportive ’ and had already met Dr Hao on her recent visit to the area .
10 Anderson captained Ireland on their short tour of France , led them to an unexpected victory over a French XV and keeps the job now but age and waning powers put a question-mark over his selection for the team at all .
11 Kurt Weinburg 's evacuation began disastrously but , thanks to his headmaster ( who had already proved his sensitivity by introducing Kurt on his first day to the only other Jewish boy in the school ) , it turned out better than he expected :
12 Ruth had discovered Washington Square on her second day in New York .
13 Yanto had picked him up from his home ten minutes before , and they were now racing down the A38 towards Bristol on their first outing on the bike .
14 That capacious subject he considered himself to have found in the stream which rises at the spring called Lady 's Fountain , and flows through Holford Combe and Holford Glen on its short journey to the sea at Kilve .
15 Much criticism had been directed at van der Merwe , who captained South Africa on their last tour of England in 1965 , after the omission of Clive Rice and Jimmy Cook from the team for the World Cup and the Test in West Indies .
16 I congratulate Yarrow on its good fortune in securing a contract for three ships at once , but I must express some dismay on behalf of Vosper Thornycroft , Southampton , which has built many naval ships in the past .
17 Harry is the last surviving member of the County Durham side which played the West Indies on their first-ever tour of England almost 70 years ago .
18 Not only was he heir to the Spencer estates , he also served with distinction as a captain in the Royal Scots Greys during World War Two and , as Equerry to the Queen , he had accompanied the Queen and Prince Philip on their historic tour of Australia shortly before his marriage .
19 We are happy to welcome the renowned Musica Antiqua on their first visit to us , to give the first concert of this year 's Festival .
20 She says she 's to be in Leningrad for a day or two — she 's on location at Lake Baikal — to meet Mrs Reagan on her flying visit to the Hermitage .
21 A TEENAGE papergirl who found the body of murdered bus driver Kevin McEvoy on her first day at work was back doing her rounds yesterday .
22 JOHN MULVEY corners stroppy head boy GREG ACKELL on their first visit to the UK and gets a mouthful of arrogance , power-tripping and homesickness .
23 The Appalachian Mountains pass through this far corner of the Commonwealth of Virginia on their long journey from Maine down to Alabama .
24 An alternative way of reaching Rutli from Treib is to take the funicular car ( a ride of 8 minutes ) to Seelisberg on its high terrace at 801m ( 2,627ft ) above sea level , and to walk through the straggling village past church and holiday hotels to the outlook point provided with benches where there is a panorama of the lake as well as a glimpse of Rutli far below .
25 Carol Mitchell from the area training department helps out Mark Oyelowo on his first day at the checkout
26 The Rhine rises in the Swiss Grisons , forces its way north-west , forming for part of its course the border between Switzerland , Liechtenstein and Austria , enters the Bodensee ( Lake Constance ) in the south-east , flows through part of the lake , then out into the Untersee , over the falls to Basle , then north up through Germany on its long journey to Holland and out into the North Sea .
27 She had said just that to Miss Fairgrieves on her first day as governess .
28 Bobby Hunt was one who accompanied Minton on his weekly tour of the galleries and who found himself reading books he might not otherwise have read .
29 A principle source of the new enthusiasm was a problem raised directly by the EDC concept itself , a dilemma summed up by Konrad Adenauer on his first visit to the United States in April 1953 , when he said in New York that a European army without a correspondingly unified European foreign policy would be rather illogical .
30 I was glad that that was recognised by Mr. Baker on his recent visit to the Soviet Union .
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