Example sentences of "[noun prp] in [noun] [be] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Whilst the , the London Region speakers come into the rostra I 'll just make the point , Peggy in fact is only the third women that 's spoken this morning .
2 Nayland in Suffolk was obviously a centre of the clothing trade ; a couple of miles away , Stoke , though equal in size , was completely different , having only a handful of clothiers whose businesses , by local standards were not large .
3 The Romanian section of Radio Free Europe in Munich was repeatedly the object of attempts by the Romanian secret service to penetrate it and to harm its staff members .
4 Er , first of all may I give my sincere and abject apology for not being here to chair the Garrick 's A G M , this is due to a longstanding appointment made before I realized that the first Thursday in December is traditionally the day for the A G M.
5 A. in Reverie was undoubtedly the painting of the season , and the portrait he had recently finished of Mrs C — , the celebrated actress , was acclaimed — and not only by the sitter — as the best likeness of her striking looks ever achieved .
6 In almost every case ( Leopold in Tuscany is perhaps the one real exception ) the new façade of fashionable ideology clothed policies which followed naturally from what had already been attempted by relatively unenlightened predecessors .
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