Example sentences of "[noun prp] and [verb] [pers pn] with [adj] " in BNC.

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1 She rented the Duchess of Norfolk 's mansion in St James 's Square and filled it with red and white roses for a party .
2 It would dearly like ( as one railway manufacturer has proposed ) to rip the diesel engines out of an existing HST and replace them with electric engines , and then use this train for tests .
3 The Ashleys fully appreciated how much they owed to Sybille and treated her with great respect and kindness ; faux pas , which from other members of staff would have met with icy reproofs , went scarcely noticed .
4 The aim of the research is to document new developments in the organisation of farming in Estonia and to compare them with modern arrangements in Finland .
5 She chatted for a long time to a friendly Madame Pompadour , who professed to love Wales and bombarded her with intimate questions .
6 There 's a tendency to take someone like Lowe and put him with no-talent good-lookers like Robert Taylor used to be , or Tyrone Power . ’
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