Example sentences of "[noun prp] and [noun] had [vb pp] [det] " in BNC.

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1 The voters of the Shankill Road in Belfast , traditionally the home of working class populist independent unionism , had supported Johnny McQuade rather than the UDA or UVF and McQuade had taken that vote into the DUP when he joined it in 1971 .
2 England strikers Shearer and Wright had attracted all the pre-match publicity but their contest turned out to be a non-event .
3 Talks between Bangladesh and Myanma during January and February had yielded few results and so in March the Bangladesh government launched a diplomatic offensive in an attempt at spurring the international community into preventing a major tragedy occurring .
4 Oisin had managed to bring a number of books and chronicles out of Tara and Snizort had studied these during the afternoons .
5 Katharine and Benji had produced some nice work together and at this point Jennie told them to have a rest on a long rein for a few minutes .
6 Both Labov and Harris had obtained this knowledge from analytic work on substantial bodies of data .
7 ‘ It was ’ , observes Marchbank , ‘ the Bucky Fuller version of Architectural Review : ’ Bizarrely , but appropriately for the times , the management wanted AD to look like Oz and Marchbank had gone some way to meet their specifications , but was not altogether happy in his work .
8 Both Jay and Dionne had spent many a dawn listening to each other on the latest One and Only .
9 Though both Rosen and Burgess and D'Costa had identified this language variety of black adolescents with Jamaican specifically , in the absence of a description , no one really knew whether it had the features of Jamaican Creole or not .
10 It occurred to me that if Stratton and Brown had known each other , so might their wives , perhaps .
11 By lunchtime Wexford and Burden had interviewed all those members of the darts club that had been present at Jack Pertwee 's stag party with the exception of Maurice Cullam , but none of them had been able to do more than confirm that Hatton had been aggressive , vain and malicious and that he had been carrying a great deal of money .
12 The Regent and Lovat had known each other for a long time and shared affection and respect .
13 The primary school pupils studied by Sinclair and Coulthard had acquired such a knowledge of the way lessons develop ; the participants in a trial know what stage it is in and can organize their behaviour accordingly .
14 Milton and Pooley had had this ritual described fully to them , graphically and with actions , but it still held great fascination .
15 In the previous month Henry and Philip had held another conference at Gisors , confirming the settlement reached in December 1183 , but this time , instead of promising that Alice would marry one of his sons , Henry agreed that she should be married to Richard .
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