Example sentences of "[noun prp] and [pron] be [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 They telephoned me at the St. Ermin 's Hotel , where Mollie and I were staying while our house in Smith Square was under repair , to pledge their support .
2 David and I were wondering if we could take you out for a spot of lunch .
3 I loved Jeanne and I was devastated when she died .
4 Consideration by Ministers of the member states at the Research Council is likely to follow at the end of December and it is hoped that this will produce a ‘ common position ’ , that is agreement on the proposal possibly as amended in the light of the comments of the Parliament and of the advisory bodies to the Council .
5 The discrepancy was recognized in 1859 by Leverrier and it was proposed that a small undetected planet was the cause .
6 ‘ What we wanted to tell you , ’ she continued , ‘ was that we'se goin' up the woods on Saturdee and we was wonderin' if you 'd come with us like . ’
7 They were due to give a concert at the Odeon , Weston-super-Mare and it was planned that we would do our piece with the Stones on the roof .
8 Badger-baiting is at an all-time high in East and North Yorkshire and it is estimated that each year in Great Britain as many as 9,000 badgers meet a premature death .
9 Neighbourhood Watch The first step has been taken to form a neighbourhood watch in Foulis Crescent and it is hoped that Woodhall Avenue and Drive will set one in motion in the near future .
10 Neighbourhood Watch The first step has been taken to form a neighbourhood watch in Foulis Crescent and it is hoped that Woodhall Avenue and Drive will set one in motion in the near future .
11 Willie Baxter was gripped by fear , he did n't understand it , he hated the dark tunnels , he stopped walking and the noise stopped ; by now Willie was probably near the point where the tunnels passed under the River Clyde and it was said that it was possible to hear the sound of a ship 's propeller whenever a vessel passed overhead .
12 yeah and he 's deciding that Adam and he 's deciding that Adam were n't worth it and
13 Women made up only a minor proportion of the prison population in Geurrero and I was assured that this situation was reflected throughout Mexico .
14 Steve Goodwin is The Drummer From Cud and he 's pretending that he thinks it 's a really cool joke ha ha ha that both he and the band he loves have become a synonym for wanky indie crap .
15 It was at this time that we read Morgan Forster 's article in the Listener about George Crabbe and we were touched and interested enough to seek out a copy of Crabbe 's poems and I well remember my surprise in discovering a mid-19th-century edition in San Diego , I think .
16 He said : ‘ This was discussed during the hearing at the House of Lords and it was said that if a case was brought the Attorney General would quash it , and that has been confirmed by lawyers .
17 He said : ‘ This was discussed during the hearing at the House of Lords and it was said that if a case was brought the Attorney-General would quash it and that has been confirmed by lawyers .
18 Jack was offered voluntary redundancy in late August and it was confirmed that there was suitable accommodation at the Kings Lodge base .
19 According to the Lanercost Chronicle , the Bishops of Winchester and Hereford were sent to Renilworth to ask the king to come to parliament , but on 12 January they returned to Westminster and it was announced that the king refused to do so .
20 This approach was specifically rejected in Gledhow by Sellers LJ and it is submitted that he was right to do so .
21 ‘ — and fact three , ’ she continued , ‘ is that , whatever you say or do , Peter and I are engaged and will remain engaged until we decide otherwise . ’
22 During his stay Baker held talks with Assad , which centred around the situation in the Gulf and which were described as " positive and constructive " by the Syrian Foreign Minister , Farooq ash-Shar " .
23 The complexities of these situations are shown by the case of an applicant and his family who left what was described as an ‘ overcrowded tin or galvanised structure with no basic amenities ’ in Bangladesh and who were treated as intentionally homeless by one London borough ( who considered that it was reasonable for them to continue to occupy that accommodation ) but not intentionally homeless by a second London borough who referred the applicant back to the first .
24 The mermaid did indeed return to claim Lutey and it is said that every nine years hence , one of his descendants is lost at sea .
25 I have seen both Peter and Joan and they were crying and she was sobbing ‘ My girls , my girls will never come back ’ . ’
26 Because I was joking I 'd said to her erm about er , you know my daddy right is er you know , th right , you know mum and daddy lived in Edinburgh and I was saying that my daddy was about the fees in erm Gleneagles , my daddy 's er , a member of Gleneagles
27 Basil and I were appointed as Art Advisers to the West Riding County Council Education Committee in December 1946 and we started work in 1947 .
28 And a good example is Carl Perkins : we did n't know it until years later , but Carl and I were born and raised within fourteen miles of each other , and I 'm only about three , four months older than he is .
29 I was too drunk and , as Broussac disappeared into the darkness , Capote and myself were seized and held until the night watch arrived .
30 Soon the tannoy system announced all the lower school messages : Mrs Joiner and I were deafened and it was sufficiently painful for me to feel relief when it stopped .
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