Example sentences of "[noun prp] have been [adj] [prep] his " in BNC.

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1 The reaction from Ulster Unionists has been an almost automatic rejection , but Downing Street has been keen to point out that Foley has been vocal in his criticism of the IRA and his appointment might not be such a bad move .
2 An environmental activist prior to his appointment in 1990 [ see p. 37312 ] , Lutzemberger had been outspoken in his criticism of Brazilian institutions which he believed were contributing to environmental destruction , particularly that of the Amazon rainforest .
3 Earlier , Mandela had been forthright in his criticism of US support for the Angolan rebel movement UNITA [ see p. 37523 ] .
4 DARLINGTON striker David Cork has been transfer-listed at his own request .
5 She made it her rule that Belfast , the Provisional wing of the Irish Republican Army , casual atrocities never crossed her lips , not after his last trip away , because the man who had come back to her from Northern Ireland had been frightened of his own shadow .
6 Punch published two harsh cartoons and , when at the end of February 1858 the government was defeated , The Times , with possibly a touch of exaggeration , declared that Clanricarde had been able by his ‘ mere presence ’ in the cabinet to destroy an exceptionally strong administration .
7 The blond man had nodded a greeting to her , and Carol had been aware of his appraising gaze .
8 Alain had been uneasy about his mother being here alone .
9 Danny Bascombe had done a got job for them , and Stephen had been impressed by his ability , she remembered .
10 Komarek said on April 9 that Reichel had been relieved of his posts because he wanted to concentrate on election work for the Czechoslovakian People 's Party , of which he was a member .
11 ‘ Mr. Wing has been indefatigable in his researches and the plan recommended appears to your committee to combine the excellency , and to obviate the defects of those already built . ’
12 Gooch 's biography has been a long time coming but Ivo Tennant has been thorough in his survey of hitherto uncharted waters , and the wait has been worthwhile .
13 What is being done is to argue that the failures were of the order to suggest that Bukharin had been correct in his prediction before the event , not after it .
14 Baghdad radio reported on May 15 , 1989 , that Hashim Hissan had been relieved of his post as Minister of State due to illness and to " the inability to carry out his duties " .
15 Andrew had been annoyed by his fall and on the court he went at it as if trying to prove something , beating Peter easily .
16 So , after all , Francis had been right in his assumption : the problem was mine .
17 This reflection went far to set up Harry again in his own esteem , for it meant that Isambard had been sure of his victim 's obstinate silence even under torture ; more sure of it , if the truth were told , than Harry himself had been at the worst moment .
18 Buckmaster had been off-hand in his reaction .
19 Few words had been spoken — Denis had been glad of his gun 's eloquence as he found his own voice suddenly unreliable .
20 Marlon had been embarrassed by his mum coming to pick him up from the school disco .
21 YOU would never have known that Klaus Tennstedt had been ill in his life .
22 Oswin had been right about his valet .
23 Otto had been true to his word and left out for me a pair of boy 's shorts .
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