Example sentences of "[noun prp] have also [vb pp] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Triton has also introduced a co-ordinating range of accessories in gold , chrome and white finishes .
2 I thought he was the highlight of that particular event and Jan has also impressed a certain Mr Satriani , who sang his praises in a Guitarist interview recently .
3 As an extra once- weekly thirst-quencher , Philip Kingsley has also formulated an intensive Elasticising Conditioner , steeped with nourishing properties to improve the hair 's flexibility and suppleness and give a healthy shine .
4 Afterwards , Khan told a press conference that Pakistan had also proposed a regional solution aimed at curbing nuclear proliferation , but that India had preferred a global approach .
5 IFAC has also published an international guideline on education , Professional Ethics for Accountants : the Educational Challenge and Practical Application .
6 AEA has also developed a novel system for sterilising medical equipment and this is undergoing trials at a major UK teaching hospital .
7 And Sadia has also introduced a small controller , allowing the user to accurately set the required temperature range .
8 The most obvious suppliers were the Republic 's fellow democracies , Britain and France , especially the latter which in May had also elected a Popular Front government .
9 Furthermore , Brook has also developed a good working relationship with other voluntary groups and welfare organisations .
10 Zhorik has also developed an interesting new style : huge sheets with paintings that recall Roy Lichenstein 's pictures but executed in a naïve , ethnic style that could be either Russian or New Guinean .
11 Massey has also added an electronic device on its 6-cylinder tractors for automatically raising and lowering semi-mounted ploughs at the headland .
12 Mr Wilson had also said a good deal about modernizing the machinery of government .
13 Midlands have also made a late change .
14 Midlands have also made a late change .
15 Gordon has also sold a new novel , Lily by Hilary Bailey to Philippa Harrison at Little , Brown .
16 Flowers are not the sole attraction at Barnsley.Rosemary Verey has also created a decorative vegetable garden.Known as a potager , it mixes vegetables and flowers to create greater variety :
17 Farr has also invented a special Telesquash ‘ nick ’ — a piece of skirting board which is placed along part of the side and back walls — and it also helped to increase the incidence of outright winners .
18 Viking Penguin has also produced a revised edition of the Manual of Housekeeping , the National Trust 's ‘ bible ’ of household conservation by Sheila Stainton and Hermione Sandwith .
19 The SXT has also discovered a new phenomenon associated with active regions , namely the frequent occurrence of transient brightenings ( & name , Tokyo University ) .
20 Elizabeth Arden has also launched a new Luxury Eyeliner Pen in shades of Ink Black , Woodsmoke and Blue Dust .
21 Ashton has also found a delicious use for the ordinary class-room petits battements sur le cou depied when Cinderella parodies the Ugly Sisters ' dancing lesson .
22 A second A–20 has also found a new home .
23 McDevitt Street Bovis have also won a major contract at Prince George 's County Hospital in Cheverly , Maryland .
24 Advanced RISC has also won a new shareholder , Nippon Investment & Finance Co of Tokyo , which is putting up £650,000 for an undisclosed stake in the company alongside Acorn Computer Group Plc , Apple and VLSI Technology Inc .
25 In the past he has always refused to deny the relationship ‘ on the record ’ and Camilla has also maintained a dignified silence .
26 Bennett has also made a good recovery from a torn thigh muscle but insisted : ‘ I 'll only play when I 'm 100pc right .
27 Clinton has also promised a renewed American effort to end the crisis that has turned the former Yugoslavia into a horrific centre of conflict and atrocities .
28 In association with Scottish Enterprise , GDA has also developed a new Business Venture Programme , the most ambitious of its kind .
29 USL has also provided a customisable systems administration guide and release notes for creating end-user documentation and installation script .
30 The Pacific has also produced an excellent performance , but conditions in Europe remain very competitive and real progress is difficult to sustain .
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