Example sentences of "[noun prp] have [been] the [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It was ironic to Victor and the colleagues sitting round the table that morning that Gorbachev had been the KGB choice as leader .
2 Malcolm Philpott had been the UNACO Director ever since its inception , having spent the previous seven years as head of Scotland Yard 's Special Branch .
3 Lawrence spent his final days in the company of Mabel Dodge Luhan — the heiress whose home in Greenwich Village had been the spawning ground of some of America 's most famous pre-World War I radical and literary figures — and , thus , provided an oddly suitable setting for the desolate position in which Hopper found himself .
4 Silsoe had been the lead barrister for the CEGB at the Sizewell B Inquiry of 1983–5 .
5 Alan Shannon , a Peterhead delegate , who moved the successful motion , said : ‘ Peterhead has been the dumping ground for disruptive prisoners for years .
6 No. 3 , St James 's Street has been the company premises since it was rebuilt in the early eighteenth century and the name Berry Bros. & Rudd Ltd. , as it is now known , was established in 1943 .
7 PETER WOODWARD has been the UK Manager of the Shell Better Britain Campaign since 1988 .
8 A leading centre of kersey manufacture , Newbury had been the stamping ground of the celebrated John Winchcombe until his death as recently as 1519 .
9 Mrs Wedderburn had been the piano accompanist , a reed of a woman who wore wire-framed spectacles and reputedly drank like a fish .
10 Joshua Marshall had been the parking-bay attendant ever since the apartment block had been opened eighteen years earlier .
11 Tibet has been the testing ground for China 's propaganda organs .
12 Hamilton has been the surprise packet of the championships , but his 21–17 win over Ronnie Garland — who is the reigning indoor pairs champion — proves that he can not be underestimated .
13 In recent years Lothian has been the lead authority in introducing a number of novel facilities specially designed for people with mobility problems .
14 At Martin Brundle 's lunch in London I discovered that Maurice Hamilton had been the Mastermind question-setter and he reported that if I thought answering them was hard , he had found setting them a good deal harder .
15 Marian has been the Cork Area Ladies ' Representative on the Executive Committee for the past two years .
16 FOR 20 years Barry Norman has been the Mr Cool of movie reviewing .
17 Cummings had been the executive chairman of Stanley Fisheries , a subsidiary of the Falkland Islands Development Corporation ( FIDC ) , which with a Scottish company , Seabord Offshore , had formed the Seamount joint venture company which collapsed because the high proportion of loan capital left it extremely vulnerable to operating losses .
18 Mike Lawrence has been the test pilot here since 1983 and has flown 4,000 sorties including every one of the 165 Jaguars in the RAF Fleet .
19 Europe had been the policy issue which had precipitated his challenge and he reiterated his differences with Mrs Thatcher over Europe .
20 As far as we knew , the only block to Britain 's continued improvement in relations with Iran had been the Rushdie affair .
21 Buckingham had been the county town in the middle ages and he felt it should be again .
22 If America and Eastern Europe have been the world leaders , the only countries in the world that can claim to be clean are those where the athletes are too poor to afford the drugs .
23 Mr MacKay said inward investment into Wales had been the success story of the Welsh economy throughout the 1980s and into the 1990s .
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