Example sentences of "[noun prp] have [vb pp] at a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Once , Bill Pertwee — again a staple member of the cast — remembered for me , Kenneth Horne made him write to the wife of an executive he thought Ken had insulted at a party given by the BBC for the Round The Horne cast .
2 Cole has worked at a variety of catering units run by High Table in his five years with the company and has now been promoted to executive chef .
3 His mouth was dry again , last week Conker had shied at a gorse bush and he 'd come off .
4 Tina and Bruce had met at a farm dance near Gore .
5 ROWAN Atkinson has hinted at a return to TV for the villainous Blackadder in a fifth series of misadventures .
6 Yeltsin had said at a press conference after the Alma Ata meeting that " we do not want to follow the tradition which has taken shape since 1917 of burying each [ former ] head and leader of the state and subsequently reburying him or regarding him as a criminal " .
7 On July 8 the Russian President Boris Yeltsin had announced at a press conference in Munich after talks with leaders of the Group of Seven ( G-7 ) industrialized countries [ see p. 38990 ] that Russia had made a political decision to withdraw an estimated 130,000 troops from the Baltic states , and that an agreement " on a schedule for the withdrawal of troops for the second half of this year and for 1993 " would be signed " soon " .
8 Sustained growth sounds unconvincing in the mouth of the Government because , in the past few years , Britain has grown at a rate well below trend growth and below the OECD average , managing a paltry 0.75 per cent .
9 The Group of Rio had suggested at a meeting with Foreign Ministers of the European Community ( EC ) member countries , held in the Irish capital , Dublin , on April 10 , that the EC should " institutionalize " the dialogue between the two blocs in order that commercial and technological co-operation could be encouraged with those countries forming the Latin American Association for Industrial Development ( ALADI ) which , in addition to the Rio countries , included Chile , Bolivia and Ecuador .
10 Trade within the EEC had expanded at a rate double that of trade with non-members , and the EEC had also become the world 's largest trading power .
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