Example sentences of "[noun prp] have [verb] her [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 For instance , Charles Harvey has tipped her off about the new motorway but she pretends she does n't know .
2 Could that even have been why Branson had invited her back in the first place ?
3 By the teethmarks in Heather 's T-shirt we knew Penny had pulled her back from the stairs — Heather 's body did n't have a mark on it .
4 Marie 's got her back to me , watching the telly .
5 Alain has taken her back by car .
6 Before its publication Goodwin had sent her off to the British Museum to research the old Black Dwarf .
7 He recognized her at once because Gabriel had pointed her out to him and he thought the boy must be young Hilaire .
8 In manic periods , which seemed the most common , she was grossly overactive and reckless in behaviour , rarely slept , talked incessantly , and showed typical grandiosity in her claims that Christ had singled her out for special revelations .
9 More than anything , she remembered her feeling of helplessness , the total loss of control , as Joe had dragged her along toward the station .
10 They were vague shadowy figures , rather like her own mother had been , except that she remembered them slightly better because , when she had been about eight years old , Granny Tremayne had driven her over to Newquay where they had been staying .
11 Mary had told her not to be a fool , to come to her house and get a decent night 's sleep .
12 Brian had thrown her out for what he inaccurately called adultery .
13 Thérèse had stroked her back with one hand and spoken lovingly .
14 Mrs Zamzam had left her home on the other side of those hills more than three decades earlier and she had never been back .
15 One thing , thought Sally-Anne , looking around her , after Ma Bailey had set her down in one of the few chairs the room possessed , was that no one here had ever done any summer cleaning , nor spring , autumn nor winter cleaning either .
16 Lady Thatcher had left her home in Belgravia for Brighton , where she had promised ‘ a little plain speaking ’ , a threat which had , according to Naughtie , ‘ brought a frisson of excitement to the town ’ .
17 And was still wondering some half an hour later when Rosa had settled her down for the night but frustration , sharper than any pangs of hunger , was keeping her awake .
18 Mary 's offer had been rejected without their thinking twice about it and she and Adam had said goodbye in a cool , offhand sort of way and Rufus had driven her off to the station in Goblander .
19 Fernando had driven her all over the island .
20 Marc had dropped her off at her flat in the early hours with little more being said between them .
21 They had acquired Isvik at a knock-down figure , spent about the same again completing the fitting of her out to their requirements , and Iain Ward had picked her up for not much more than they had originally paid for her .
22 Ben had warned her not to baby the boy , especially not in front of anyone .
23 The next thing she knew , Miss Hardbroom had pulled her out of the pocket and plonked her unceremoniously into a high-sided glass jar .
24 Madeleine had taken her away from school .
25 But what Miss Blagden had sought her out for was not only to ask after her welfare or bring news from Lucca but to offer her two lady-boarders for three months .
26 At first Dinah had smacked her hard on the bare bottom with her thin strong hand .
27 Nancy fought wildly , and Sikes had to hold her down in a chair .
28 Now a widow , Mabel has made her home in the compact whitewashed building , tucked in one of Whitby 's historic yards .
29 Because Irina did not want to travel in one of the carts , Jehan had taken her up in front of him .
30 When Lydia had marvelled to Betty about the horror of Elizabeth 's existence , Betty had told her not to be so silly .
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