Example sentences of "[noun prp] be that [pron] [be] not " in BNC.

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1 The Telegraph , too , implies that British can be neatly distinguished from Irish , but one of the complexities of Britain and Ireland is that it is not that easy to do so .
2 The first thing to get straight about Zurich is that it is not the capital of Switzerland , though there are times when one thinks it ought to be , and others when one gets the impression that it would not mind at all if it was .
3 er , er the one thing that has come clear through er your submission Mr is that you 're not er in any way enamoured of the idea that there should be some scheme whereby your clients erm pay their central fund and demands and er , er , and erm maintain their counterclaim here after
4 Another advantage that Signed Swedish is supposed to have over SSL is that it is not ‘ abbreviated ’ ; every word is accompanied by a sign .
5 The objection to the House of Lords is that it is not a democratic institution .
6 One of the lessons we learned early on from QES was that it 's not enough to appoint a number of specialist trainers , brilliant though they may be , and expect them to lead change .
7 But the official position of the US is that there is not enough information yet to justify expensive remedial action .
8 ‘ The thing I like about working in Japan is that they are not part of the New Zealand yachting soap opera , ’ said Dickson over a post-race Steinlager .
9 Erm Lisa is that I 'm not quite sure , from the York University student rooms , is in to help us with the big box pile up .
10 What I like about Mark is that he 's not afraid to be funny with the crowd .
11 Another problem with the method of Riemann is that it is not practically possible to generalize it to the case for non-colinear collisions .
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