Example sentences of "[noun prp] be [adj] [conj] [pron] is " in BNC.

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1 Despite its cosy relationship with Novell Inc , IBM is categorical that there is no Netware code being used in the development .
2 Ms Gibson said : ‘ From what I hear , Gemma is happy where she is .
3 ‘ I have no doubt Gordon Wilson is sincere but he is sincerely wrong .
4 The case of the Granada is different as it is being used in the business exclusively and giving the business some benefit .
5 Although Bob 's command of Serbo-Croat is non-existent and he is only at the early stages of learning Russian the Causevics ' second language — he has enlisted the help of a friend , native Yugoslav Maria Delahunty , to act as an interpreter .
6 Torridon is right as it is .
7 Luton 's Paul Telfer has already told Brown of a team-mate who comes into that category and the manager admits that exercising the latitude recently agreed by the SFA is necessary because it is a formidable task to replace six players in that age group .
8 Many takeovers in Europe are friendly and it is said that two in three are negotiated without merchant bankers .
9 This means that the cities of France are under-represented and there is a considerable right-wing majority , three-quarters in 1986 when the rest of France voted 52 per cent for the right .
10 Rule 41 of the Statement of Changes in Immigration Rules ( HC 169 ) provides : ‘ A man seeking to enter the UK for marriage to a woman settled here and who intends to settle here thereafter ’ will be refused entry clearance unless the ECO is satisfied that it is not the primary purpose of the marriage to obtain admission to the UK .
11 How much the meeting was told about the previous shipments to Iran is unclear but it is hard to believe that those present were not aware of them .
12 The fact is that the pace towards a federal Europe is quickening and there is now very little , save the Danes and the British Parliament , which lies in its way .
13 This passage from Turnbull & Co. v. Duval is important because it is the foundation stone on which the ‘ agency ’ approach adopted by the recent cases has been built .
14 In introducing general SVQs and Skillstart — two completely new kinds of qualification — SCOTVEC is aware that it is vitally important to integrate the new awards into the existing system of vocational education and training in Scotland .
15 The rigidity of the Seayak is noticeable but it is still a plastic boat and therefore slow and fairly cumbersome .
16 Taylor is adamant that he is not going to quit .
17 SCREEN goddess Liz Taylor is furious that she is to be portrayed by Raquel Welch , the star she dislikes more than any other , in a film .
18 The user , whether the operator of the system when it is operational or the manager of the department it is aimed to help , can readily check that the DFD is accurate because it is so graphical .
19 Will the right hon. Gentleman explain why the CBI is wrong and he is right ?
20 I thought : Flora is dangerous because she is n't frightened .
21 Consider an example from the new Collins Cobuild dictionary ( 1987 ) , of which Sinclair is editor-in-chief and which is based on just the kind of computer analysis of text that he refers to .
22 We know that John is happy because he is smiling .
23 But Mr Abbell is adamant that he is doing nothing untoward .
24 Today , Renee Henry is convinced that she is cured and that the Gerson therapy is responsible .
25 ‘ Or perhaps Rhoda is right and it is the house .
26 If we measure the gross wage on the vertical axis , the demand curve DD is unaltered since it is the comparison of the gross wage with the marginal value product of labour that determines the quantity of labour demanded by firms .
27 Prior to this study the ESRC was aware that it is responsible for probably no more than 10 to 20 per cent of social science support in higher education .
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