Example sentences of "[noun prp] ['s] [noun pl] have [vb pp] to " in BNC.

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1 Meanwhile Grom 's attentions had turned to the west and to the coastal regions of the Empire .
2 Jake 's eyes had narrowed to pinpoints .
3 Lucenzo 's eyes had strayed to the child , who was contentedly wrapped in his father 's embrace .
4 Meanwhile Murray 's parents have travelled to Cheltenham from their home in Liverpool , and his college friends are preparing to hold a memorial service .
5 Long before Buckmaster 's eyes had turned to politics and he 'd become the youngest MP in the Commons , leaving Morgan to run the largest security organization in the world .
6 STOP PRESS Manky 's Marauders have failed to umpire again for the 10th year running thereby creating a new league record .
7 Roman 's eyes had narrowed to dark , shuttered slits as he watched her .
8 Now , Monday 's fashion ; the clocks have gone back ; and , naturally , Carol Smillie 's attentions have turned to bed .
9 Mr Yeltsin 's opponents have responded to this defeat by pretending it did n't happen .
10 Amal 's parents had travelled to the Emirates for the weekend and would not return until Saturday noon .
11 The sadness in Monique Lavaux 's eyes had emphasised to her that there was no future in allowing herself to love a man who was committed to another woman .
12 ‘ There is a dangerous rising afoot against Duke William in Normandy , and half my lord Osbern 's relatives have gone to the aid of the Duke , the flesh-seeking spears in their hands .
13 A recently released book examining how the de-regulation of Australia 's banks has added to the burden of Third World debt .
14 Aylesbury 's footballers have progressed to the second round of the FA Cup — and an away tie at Northampton Town — without a flutter of recognition from the whiter-than-white duck which provides their nickname .
15 Aylesbury 's footballers have progressed to the second round of the FA Cup — and an away tie at Northampton Town — without a flutter of recognition from the whiter-than-white duck which provides their nickname .
16 If only there is a way — ’ And stopped , because Nuadu 's eyes had gone to the silver door .
17 Asia 's governments have responded to the war with varying degrees of enthusiasm , discomfort and cynicism .
18 Others wrote about what Walter Machin 's books had meant to them at the time of their publication , and to these Viola wrote faintly magisterial replies of thanks and interest which usually also contained subtle plugs for the two books which were as yet unpublished .
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