Example sentences of "[noun prp] ['s] [noun] [prep] [noun prp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Hahnemann and his homoeopathy had already gained considerable prestige from his success in treating the typhus epidemic which swept into Europe in the wake of Napoleon 's retreat from Moscow in 1813 .
2 Peter Mansfield , a distinguished British commentator on the Middle East , sketches its history from the Sumerians to Napoleon 's invasion of Egypt in 1798 and takes a more detailed look at events thereafter , right up to the Gulf War .
3 As a member of the Scottish side that qualified for the 1986 World Cup , he would also have been aware that it was a heart attack that claimed Jock Stein 's life at Cardiff in September 1985 .
4 Gibraltar was discussed in talks between the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Secretary Douglas Hurd and the Spanish Foreign Minister Francisco Fernández Ordóñez in London on Feb. 12 , 1991 , and again during Spanish Prime Minister Felipe González Márquez 's visit to London in May 1991 [ see p. 38201 ] .
5 When Elizabeth visited Burghley 's house at Theobalds in 1572 , he had this courtly pattern superimposed upon his normal arrangement of rooms : the Hall was converted into the Great Chamber , the Parlour into the Presence Chamber , the Dining Chamber into the Privy Chamber , and the Vine Chamber into the Bedchamber .
6 Searching for fossils on Fitzwilliam 's estates at Castor in 1821 , he discovered a large tessellated Roman pavement ; this encouraged him to conduct a series of excavations , unusually systematic for their time , which continued until 1827 .
7 Red-faced officials ordered an investigation after Tuesday 's break-out at Nevsehir in central Turkey .
8 Tuesday 's anguish in Washington about what was described as hostage-taking also seems to have been misplaced .
9 For Celtic and Macari , a vital game tomorrow in advance of Tuesday 's flight to Lisbon for the second leg UEFA Cup tie .
10 But they are set to be without injury victims Robert Lee and Carl Leaburn for Tuesday 's game against Tranmere at Upton Park .
11 ‘ WELL we 've waited long enough , but it 's been worth it , ’ said one of the nearly 200 primary school teachers who gathered at St Wilfrid 's Church in Northwich for a mass of thanksgiving for the new national programme for religious education .
12 There was also unease at the PLO 's propensity to act against local opinion , witnessed in its treatment of the home-grown NGC in the late 1970s , its abuse of Joint Committee funds for politically corrupt purposes , and in Arafat 's flirtation with Husayn in the mid-1980s .
13 The influence of his mother 's family secured Pyne 's election for Poole to the Parliaments of 1625 , 1626 , and 1628 , but he did little in Westminster .
14 Whether Ceauşescu 's leaks to Brezhnev about Nixon and Kissinger 's assignations with Mao and Zhou Enlai helped US-Soviet relations is less obvious .
15 The Portrait of Kahnweiler , painted in Paris soon after Picasso 's return from Cadaquès in the early autumn of 1910 , may have helped Picasso towards a solution of his problem , since in dealing with a particular individual he was forced to find a less difficult and hermetic means of expression ; in any case the portrait serves to illustrate what steps Picasso took to make his work once again more legible .
16 BANDERAS GREW UP in Picasso 's hometown of Malaga in southern Spain , now a much-maligned package tour destination .
17 Rhyme , measure , and the turning of verses , which is indispensable and which gives them so much vigour , are analogous to the hidden symmetry , to the equilibrium at once wise and inspired , which governs the meeting or separation of lines and spaces , the echoes of color , etc. ’ poetic painting was Delacroix 's preference , but ‘ David 's picture of Leonidas at Thermopolae is masculine and vigorous prose , I admit ’ .
18 David 's feast in Hebron in 1 Chronicles 12 appears to be attended by enormous numbers , not of ordinary men , but of distinguished leaders — some 340,800 of them .
19 A few exceptions are the SGs and Weddingtons ( which we do n't actually see in the UK ) ; these are built in Yamaha 's factory at Kasuga in Japan , while the semi-acoustics ( including the AE , SA and AES ranges ) hail from the Iida facility , also in Japan .
20 Gregory 's picture of Theudebert as a great monarch can be supplemented by other sources .
21 Protocol , however , would have required that a Chinese return visit , after President Mikhail Gorbachev 's visit to China in May 1989 , be at the level of President and party general secretary .
22 Gorbachev 's visit to China in May 1989 , although overshadowed by massive pro-democracy demonstration in Beijing , had marked the formal normalization of state and party relations between the two countries after almost 30 years of enmity [ see pp. 36640-42 ] .
23 If this is what the Common European Home stands for , so enthusiastically embraced by the Germans on the occasion of Gorbachev 's visit to Bonn in June 1989 , then it is difficult to think of a more decisive rejection of the values of the Atlantic alliance .
24 Northamptonshire 's match against Hampshire in Southampton has been put off until tomorrow because of bad weather
25 Serbia was occupied in 1439 and became a Turkish province , but Murad 's siege of Belgrade in 1440 was repulsed by the Hungarians .
26 Compare Grimbergen 's advantages to Brussels with White Waltham 's advantages to London .
27 On Sept. 28 Lebanese Army troops loyal to Hrawi moved to tighten the economic blockade on Aoun 's stronghold at Baabda in East Beirut .
28 In late September troops loyal to the Lebanese President , Elias Hrawi , moved to tighten an economic blockade on Aoun 's stronghold at Baabda in East Beirut [ see p. 37729 ] .
29 It is interesting to contrast Britomart 's fight with Radigund with Artegall 's final contest with Grantorto .
30 Indeed , I recall that shortly after Miss Kenton 's departure to Cornwall in 1936 , myself never having been to that part of the country , I would often glance through Volume III of Mrs Symons 's work , the volume which describes to readers the delights of Devon and Cornwall , complete with photographs and — to my mind even more evocative — a variety of artists ' sketches of that region .
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