Example sentences of "[noun prp] [was/were] not [adv] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 When he first had the idea for the programme , Frank Spencer was not even the main character .
2 Corbett was not only a great hunter and practical naturalist , he was also that rare thing , a natural writer .
3 Graham was not just a kind elderly man , he was a passionate and knowledgeable gardener .
4 Last Monday was not only the seventh anniversary of the accident .
5 Woods was not only a successful cricketer ; he excelled at rugby football .
6 It was this aspect of Althusserian theory , perhaps more than any other , that led many orthodox Marxists to consider that Althusser was not really a Marxist at all .
7 Coleridge was not only a willing listener to Southey 's ideas , but was soon developing them into grand and Utopian principles during long hours spent in Oxford ‘ disputing on metaphysical subjects ’ .
8 it must have poured on us but I ca n't ever remember it raining You know there was when we used to go to Deerness I had very long hair and we And Kirkwall was n't just the cleanest of place at places at that time .
9 Overcrowding was not just an urban problem .
10 Nicola was not just a simpering and empty-headed blonde with a pleasant voice .
11 Roundhay was n't exactly the Left Bank .
12 Even if Iron Mike was not quite the same fearsome character as the man who cleaned up all the titles to be the undisputed champion — he was still the most feared man in boxing .
13 Yet we know that Kleon was not only a vocal opponent of Pericles ' war strategy , i.e. was politically active in Pericles ' lifetime ( Plut .
14 Eden was not only a historical reality , therefore , but a perpetual temptation for humankind .
15 David Jack was not only an elegant inside-forward , he was an elegant man , always impeccably dressed , his main weakness being cigarettes .
16 As she listened to Amsterdam she became more sure by the minute that Timothy was n't quite the same as he 'd been when he had left the house that morning .
17 Another issue raised was that Europe was not just a commercial union but a global power bloc which would need to consider external relations outside Europe .
18 Commenting on the meeting , a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman said on Dec. 5 that the Dalai Lama was not merely a religious figure , but a " political exile , who has long been engaged in activities aimed at splitting China and disrupting national unity " .
19 Somehow , being late in London was n't quite the same as being late in the country .
20 India was not merely a passive recipient of Persian artistic ideas , however .
21 Such reformers usually saw themselves as making it possible for the Masai to survive as a race : getting obsessed with the Masai was not inherently a passive occupation .
22 Anyone under 21 might not realise that Rod Stewart was not always a smug , smarmy middle of the road crooner .
23 John was not always a reliable source of information about his own past : he combined a poor memory for dates with an imaginative flair for making the best of any story .
24 And the Mamur Zapt was n't even an Egyptian Christian .
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