Example sentences of "[noun prp] [was/were] [verb] [adv] from [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The overwhelming desire of the Chris Pattens and Sarah Hoggs and Michael Heseltines was to get away from what they saw as the incubus of Mrs Thatcher .
2 USER FRIENDLY came within an ace of a French fortune yesterday as the Arc was snatched away from her in the shadow of the winning post .
3 There was another scream as Molly was thrown away from his frantic struggles .
4 Syria was cut off from its finest port and Damascus — the centre of the Muslim Arab nationalist movement opposed to French rule — was weakened at the expense of Beirut and the new Christian-dominated regime .
5 The hum of the bowstring when it came was like the sound of a harp being tuned , and when Jehan glanced back again Alexei was getting down from his bay to recover his arrows .
6 When Chen was seated across from him , he answered .
7 Jayhawk and Defiant were the first , both entered in the January trials and then retired as the newer America and Kanza were flown in from their builders in Rhode Island .
8 Grandparents Billy , 80 , and 72-year-old Irene were called away from her bedside in the psychiatric unit at Liverpool 's Broad Green Hospital to be told the news which could signal the end of Rachel 's £5,000-a-day career .
9 Lewis was speaking yesterday from his luxury holiday home at the Tryall Beach Resort in Jamaica before flying on to Toronto .
10 Louis was " made very sad indeed " when Charles was taken away from him and sent to the monastery of Prüm in the Ardennes .
11 Barbara was standing apart from them again , fists held tight at her lap .
12 ‘ It would be a sad thing , ’ Angus answered at once , ‘ if Alex was taken away from his Mary into the army when they were not a year married . ’
13 Rome was set apart from her neighbours by her ancient fame and lasting prestige — and yet , in these centuries , one can not but think , far more by the presence of the apostles and martyrs , and of the pope .
14 In an infamous storm on 7th January , 1839 , which sank many boats in the Firth , Clytus was blown away from her moorings in Troon harbour and went aground on Barassie beach .
15 Then Ven was pulling away from her .
16 Lisabeth was sitting apart from them reading a newspaper and eating a bar of chocolate .
17 At its worst , beach huts at Southwold and Felixstowe were swept away from their fixings when sea defences were breached .
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