Example sentences of "[noun prp] [subord] they be [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Government decisions in Britain are made in the name ofthe Cabinet , in contrast to the United States where they are made in the name of the President .
2 But the British authorities were unable to protect the Littlejohns when they were arrested for the robbery of £67,000 from a bank in Grafton Street , Dublin , in 1972 .
3 The Low Countries , or Flanders as they were termed in the Middle Ages , were subject to varied artistic influences from different sources .
4 He says how can they be of use in curing Anorexia or Bolemia when they 're caused by socio-economic factors which monkeys ca n't experience .
5 There is general agreement that PKC inhibitors will block LTP if they are applied after the tetanus , indicating that kinase activity outlasts the initial induction signal .
6 The discount houses will therefore not like to sell bills to the Bank of England unless they are forced to .
7 The crew , an integral part of Hurworth village life , had to abandon a charity run from Rosyth in Scotland after they were ordered to the Gulf .
8 More than 500 weavers went on strike in defence of this " ancient custom " , staying out through the winter from November to February before they were reduced to acceptance of the threepence compensation .
9 Leeds City , or the Peacocks as they were known from the gold V-shaped band on their blue strip , climbed to a more secure position in mid-table in the months after Chapman took over .
10 Israeli security sources said the two Israeli civilians were driving towards Kiryat Arba near the Palestinian city of Hebron when they were shot at from a car .
11 At the embassy one day , he was talking to Fred Ganem when they were interrupted by a sudden commotion in the outer office .
12 The London SCCs originated in part from the Relief Committees established in 1899 by the School Board , and continued by the LCC until they were renamed in 1907 when the Council put into effect section ( 1a ) of the Education ( Provision of Meals ) Act 1906 , which called for the establishment of Canteen Committees .
13 The result was a general strike early in September 1946 in which police and government workers camped out in the Shwe Dagon Pagoda where they were guarded against any persuasive attempts from authority .
14 ‘ In the United Kingdom ’ shall include investment advertisements issued outside the UK if they are directed at persons in the UK otherwise than in a newspaper etc published and principally circulated outside the UK or broadcast on a media primarily aimed outside the UK .
15 The apparent willingness of such men to support Gloucester casts doubt on Mancini 's claim that the fleet only deserted Woodville because they were tricked by the Genoese crews of the commandeered vessels .
16 The apparent willingness of such men to support Gloucester casts doubt on Mancini 's claim that the fleet only deserted Woodville because they were tricked by the Genoese crews of the commandeered vessels .
17 The NORTH U21s , managed by Dave Parker , enjoyed their biennial pre-season tour to Marvejols in Central France where they were hosted for their week long visit by French families as the result of town twinning with Cockermouth , and the fantastic hospitality and often adventurous leisure activities were enjoyed not only by the players but also by referee Fred Howard , who officiated in the first two matches .
18 The Minister has an obligation to tell us whether the Government intend to implement Rothschild if they are returned to power .
19 As a Spaniard he must have been particularly interested in seeing the important series of Iberian reliefs from Osuna when they were put on show in the Louvre in the spring of 1906 .
20 chiefly down the Rhinns. with a major Neolithic occupation site at Bolsay on the slope of Beinn Tart a Mhill and also amongst the sand dunes at Sanaig and Sanaigmore where they are accompanied by large quantities of heat shattered stones , often called pot boilers , from primitive fires .
21 They were heavily defeated ; Bulgarian soldiers were about to enter Belgrade when they were halted by the threat of Austrian intervention .
22 Archaic Greek coins are found in hoards from Egypt and the Levant , as they were exchanged for goods , perhaps grain or slaves ; many hoards of Roman silver and gold coins are known from southern India because they were exchanged for luxury items such as exotic spices and perfumes , rich silks and precious gems .
23 The magazine Private Eye was more scathing , having already denounced the Thatcher and Bush governments for agreeing ‘ that they will not pursue any further the terrorists who bombed the plane over Lockerbie since they are known to be close to the Syrian government ’ ( 28 September 1991 ) .
24 This included bringing in ex-L.C.C. cars to replace the Felthams as they were moved to Leeds .
25 Oh , you could see Newmarket once they 're stabled from Edginton House .
26 Note that the finite verbs in the Portuguese text establish additional cohesive links with Morita because they are marked for person .
27 THE Danes voted for the same treaty yesterday that they rejected last June because they were misled by the media and politicians , claimed an East Anglian Tory Euro-rebel .
28 They were working in a sewer at Baughton near Upton on Severn in Worcestershire when they were engulfed by a wall of water .
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