Example sentences of "[noun prp] [subord] the [noun] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This was a much more comfortable victory for Kelburne than the score suggests for two of Torbrex 's goals were scored late in the game by Gordon Shepherd whose second strike came from a penalty a minute from time .
2 At the far side of the valley the motorway climbs away up to Great Barr while the canal divides round another island as it approaches Rushall Junction where it is joined by the Rushall Canal to win the coal trade from the Cannock mines .
3 ‘ I feel embarrassed , ’ said Meredith as the group disappeared down the lane .
4 A sound had her spinning round and she found herself looking into the astonished eyes of Marie as the girl slid from her bicycle and walked forwards to confront her .
5 ‘ Danny will be going on about the fair all night now , ’ said David as the bus disappeared through the factory gates , then as they turned away he asked , ‘ Are you on duty tomorrow ? ’
6 Paul Reaney was with girlfriend Alison Scott when the gunman struck in Washington DC where the 22-year-olds were working as research assistants .
7 Mr Reagan was punched , jostled and showered with splintered glass as he was giving a speech in Las Vegas when the protester broke through a security cordon to seize the microphone , writes Charles Laurence in New York .
8 This single sheet of paper , though , tells us even more about the dramatic meeting between Gould and Darwin than the words written on it .
9 And the next Labour administration will be an undemocratic charade in Northern Ireland if the party continues with its refusal to organise and contest elections in the province .
10 Benjamin became lost in his own thoughts so I left him alone and lay on my own bed thinking about Mathilda until the bell sounded for supper .
11 There was a rise of £85m in credit card debt in February after a £23m rise in January while the amount oustanding on hire purchase continued to shrink .
12 ‘ We whites are living here like the aristocrats in Tsarist Russia while the blacks live in poverty , ’ said a Salisbury citizen to me last week .
13 Julia heard Cumbermound say to Wheeler before the door closed behind them .
14 And the Rechem case comes to Scotland as the Judge sees for himself the former factory .
15 It was not Sussex backwardness alone that brought trouble but the collapse of the artificial prosperity across England when the wars ended in 1815 and were followed by a series of disastrous harvests .
16 Not surprisingly , the noise bellowing around Ibrox when the teams took to the pitch was an octave or two higher than normal .
17 That in a nutshell is the view of Derry 's seasoned midfielder Brian McGilligan as the countdown begins in earnest to Sunday week 's All Ireland final .
18 Page 27 TIP leaps 40 per cent : Pre-tax profits at TIP Europe , the trailer rental company , rose 40 per cent from £9m to £12.6m in the year to July as the fleet grew from 10,000 to 18,000 vehicles .
19 On the journey to Brunnen as the boat passes near the sheer face of the Seelisberg cliff , look out for the Schillerstein : a 24m ( 80ft ) high outrider crag , rising from the lake in obelisk shape , inscribed in letters of gold to the memory of Friedrich Schiller , author of the William Tell poetic drama .
20 I asked Jon if the plants proved to be a tasty morsel for the Forest 's ponies .
21 Having accepted the job , , who lived in Chelmsford , commuted each day to Rotherhithe until the department moved to Ipswich in 1974 .
22 Evidently the section breaker at Selby Road , to separate the two undertakings , must have been temporarily bridged and current drawn from Croydon since the line opened without ceremony immediately following receipt of the certificate .
23 Delegates at the second annual congress of the movement voted overwhelmingly early yesterday to approve a programme designed to build an independent economy and social structure in Latvia before the republic secedes at an unspecified date .
24 Walker , 52 who leaves widow and two children , had been out with his brother Graham when the pair got off route on steep , loose ground .
25 One Scotsman looking forward to Rome is David Will , who will take over from Harry Cavan as vice-president of FIFA when the Irishman retires during the World Cup next June .
26 POLICE will today enlist the help of champion trainer Martin Pipe as the hunt continues for racing 's dopers .
27 Such ideas were to preoccupy Coleridge as the year drew to a close .
28 So I was in at , at er Southwell when the job came on community affairs , I 've been on community affairs for the last four years .
29 As in the case of a Customer Agreement , there is an exemption dispensing with the need for a signed copy from a private customer ordinarily resident outside the UK where the firm believes on reasonable grounds that he does not wish to receive it or to consent in writing .
30 The latter , however , was less critical in the UK than the increase expected in other west European countries , notably West Germany .
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