Example sentences of "[noun prp] [subord] [pron] be [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 EUROPEAN Community officials were stoking fears last night of an all-out trade war with the United States after it was disclosed that British and other European steelmakers could face crippling new duties on exports to America .
2 Potatoes were planted on Good Friday as it was believed that this was one day on which the Devil had no power to poison and ruin the soil .
3 Here is an example spoken by David when he is told that his son has been killed :
4 This section deals mainly with the impact of mineral working , and the restoration of exhausted sites , in south and south east England although it is recognised that some of the most serious environmental problems occur in the National Parks and in areas where deep and opencast mining are carried out .
5 The Conservatives would continue to commercialise and privatise the NHS until it is run as just another business .
6 If not , how few Tory Members do there need to be in Scotland before it is accepted that the status quo is no longer tenable ?
7 Paul Turner was on his first tour of duty in Northern Ireland when he was shot while on patrol .
8 I have to skirt round Broad Street because they 're demolishing and there 's a great big red one and a yellow one and I 'm just terrified .
9 The council has been involved in a separate row over Bellarmine because it is insisting that staff must apply for jobs at the school to which their pupils would transfer .
10 Dexter knew it was tempting to ask Lancaster whether he was lying and that he really meant that he could n't face the idea of seeing his wife again , a wife he had murdered and left a bloody corpse on the floor downstairs only a few minutes before .
11 These groups represent a minority opinion , she suggests , and it is up to the NVALA and groups like it to defend and reassert ‘ traditional ’ values before humanism takes a grip of society generally , rather than just at the BBC where it is viewed as already having a stranglehold .
12 All those whose names are on the Register of nurses maintained by the UKCC are eligible to become a member of the RCN whether they are practising or not .
13 The first signs of trouble came when the Ynys Mon Express of Sunday , July 19 had to be diesel piloted from Rhyl after it was ruled that Black Five 5305 was a particular risk .
14 For it is Jesus as he was remembered and his words as we have them which have played the part which they have in western culture .
15 They 've had him from the Wednesday , was it the Wed er , no from the Saturday to the Wednesday cos she was working and they took him on to seaside somewhere and when come home , he 's having stitches in his head where he 'd fell , he hit it on the stone or summat and I said oh did he enjoy it apart from that , she said he was a swine last night , he was screaming and hitting me and she called her husband down from work , she could n't control him , said she should of smacked his arse and put him in the cot .
16 Instruments may , however , be executed before 20 August if they are binding and are signed and delivered unconditionally before that date even though the property may in certain circumstances be delivered after that date .
17 Share prices rose again in mid-January after it was announced that John Kerridge , chairman of Fisons , had resigned for health reasons .
18 She gave her word to God when she was confirmed and she kept it .
19 The councillor said after the case : ‘ I called one Major because he was doctored and the other Maggie because she was a bitch .
20 The following day Maxwell 's sons , Ian and Kevin , resigned from the boards of MGN and MCC after it was revealed that an estimated £350 million was missing from the MGN pension fund and that another £126 million had been used to secure loans to Maxwell private companies .
21 Corals cut Cacoethes from 6-1 to 5-1 co-favourite with Aliysa and Young Mother for Sunday 's Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe after it was confirmed that Steve Cauthen will ride Guy Harwood 's colt .
22 It was reported subsequently that Israeli Prime Minister Itzhak Rabin had complained privately to the USA when it was learned that Saudi F-15 planes had been moved to Tabuk , 200 km from Eilat in southern Israel .
23 Whilst there is so much contrary scientific opinion with regard to the dangers arising from asbestos dust , it is difficult to understands the IDA 's reliance upon the opinions of Professor McDonald when it is known that he derives a large share of his research funds from the asbestos industry itself .
24 Most recently , in July 1991 , two fine Balthasar Denner heads of ‘ Old Women ’ were withdrawn from sale in London when it was learned that they had been looted from the Dresden Museum .
25 I am going to send it to Sarah when it 's finished and the final word on its fate will be hers .
26 Glass making prospered in St Helens when it was found that there were suitable local sands which are the main raw material .
27 It was not however accepted by the Court of Appeal in Peter Andrew Russell where it was held that the conversion of the salt ( cocaine hydrochloride ) into the base form amounted to production .
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