Example sentences of "[noun prp] [num] with the [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 The first withdrawal of US troops began on Jan. 2 with the return of about 300 troops to the USA , and as of Jan. 7 a total of 3,300 troops had returned home , out of a total of 26,000 who had been in Panama .
2 The US-Soviet strategic arms reduction talks ( START — see p. 37223 ) resumed in Geneva on Jan. 22 with the signing of a new agreement allowing both sides for the first time to inspect each other 's nuclear warheads .
3 A split in the Bihar state unit of the BJP was formalized on Jan. 6 with the formation of the breakaway group into a new party .
4 The ruling military junta , the State Law and Order Restoration Council ( SLORC ) , was expanded on Jan. 29 with the addition of three new members , Maj.-Gen.
5 Talks between EC and East German officials on trade and co-operation began on Jan. 29 with the aim of concluding an agreement by mid-1990 as outlined in the Strasbourg communiqué [ ibid . ] .
6 The fortunes of beleaguered Prime Minister Kiichi Miyazawa took a sharp downward turn on Jan. 13 with the arrest of Fumio Abe , a former Director-General of the Hokkaido and Okinawa Development Agencies ( with Minister of State status in the Cabinet ) and close associate of Miyazawa , for allegedly accepting bribes from the Kyowa Corp during his tenure of the office between August 1989 and January 1990 .
7 Despite Gorbachev 's comments the crackdown in Vilnius continued on Jan. 23 with the seizure of the central newsprint depot , while on the following day troops in armoured cars opened fire on road traffic outside Vilnius , injuring one person .
8 He was boosted on March 26 with the endorsement of Harkin .
9 Although Janata Dal failed to gain a majority , it formed a government on March 10 with the support of smaller parties and independents .
10 This was followed by the sale of the electricity supply industry in England and Wales in March 1991 [ see p. 38111 ] , which was completed on May 30 with the issue of the prospectus for the flotation of the two Scottish electricity companies , [ see p. 38300 ] .
11 The recent process of rapprochement between South Korea and the Soviet Union culminated on Sept. 30 with the establishment of full diplomatic relations between the two countries .
12 The next landmark in the development of higher education in this country occurred in January 1972 with the publication of the James Report on Teacher Education and Training .
13 The peace process which began in May 1991 with the signing of the Bicesse Peace Accord by President José Eduardo dos Santos and Jonas Savimbi of the rebel National Union for the Total Independence of Angola ( UNITA ) [ see p. 38180 ] culminated in September with the formation of a new national army and the country 's first multiparty general election .
14 Annalisa Smith Indian Journey Arts Centre , Vane Terrace , Darlington ( until April 25 ) ANNALISA Smith made her journey across central India between October 1990 and February 1991 with the assistance of a Travel and Training Award from North Arts .
15 Elections were held on Dec. 9 for a 70-member Constitutional Assembly , due to sit from February to July 1991 with the responsibility of proposing constitutional reforms .
16 In the third economic package in 1989 [ for January and May measures see p. 36778 ] , measures were adopted by the Cabinet on July 7 with the aim of cooling the economy by lowering inflation ( then running at an annual rate of 6 per cent ) , by restricting economic growth to 4.5 per cent ( from its current annual rate of 6 per cent ) , and by withdrawing more than 500,000 million ptas from circulation , and also to stop tax fraud .
17 The DMK government of M. Karunanidhi had been removed in January 1991 with the imposition of President 's rule [ see pp.37964 ] .
18 The slaughter of Somalia — a former British and Italian colony — began in January 1991 with the overthrow of ruthless dictator General Siad Barre .
19 The summit also agreed to establish a regional stock exchange from January 1991 with the cross-listing of the community 's three current exchanges based in Jamaica , Barbados and Trinidad and Tobago .
20 Phase two would start in December 1991 with the election of a new Assembly .
21 In May 1940 with the threat of invasion a call went out for volunteers for a new force to be known as the Local Defence Volunteers or for short L.D.V. This was later to be called the Home Guard and " Dad 's Army " .
22 He served in the Lisbon expedition of 1826 and retired on half pay in January 1831 with the rank of major .
23 Kim worked to bring this party into a merger with the North Korean Communist Party ; this was accomplished in July 1946 with the formation of the North Korean Workers Party .
24 A new attempt was made by Hodge to promote cooperation between the right , centre and non-communist left in June and July 1946 with the establishment of the Left-Right Coalition Committee ( CC ) , which met on 22 July .
25 The relocations were to begin on July 21 with the return of Maronite Christians to more than 80 villages in the predominantly Druze Chouf mountains and the area east of Sidon .
26 Establishments which have closed include the Levis Jeans factory ( July 1984 with the loss of 283 jobs ) and General Foam Products ( 1981 with 300 job losses ) .
27 The continuing protests merged on May 18 with the commemoration of the 11th anniversary of the brutal suppression of the Kwangju uprising [ see pp. 30606-07 ] .
28 In France , radicals who agreed on little else invaded the National Assembly in May 1848 with the object of goading it into action on the Polish question .
29 Twenty-nine teenage boys were charged on July 29 with the manslaughter of 19 schoolgirls at St Kizito mixed secondary school in Meru on the night of July 13-14 .
30 The 14th national assembly of the ruling Institutional Revolutionary Party ( PRI ) , in power in Mexico since 1929 , ended on Sept. 3 with the adoption of modifications to its statutes .
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