Example sentences of "[noun prp] [num] [conj] [noun] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The coup of 1330 which finally overthrew the regime and established Edward III as king opened a second successful phase in Beaumont 's career .
2 The chair of the Russian Central Bank , Georgy Matiukhin , announced on Jan. 10 that Russia wanted a deferral of interest payments on the $84,000 million debt owed by the former Soviet Union to commercial banks and western governments , in addition to the deferral of principal repayments agreed on Dec. 17 [ see p. 38656 ] .
3 Swart urged the public to see this measure as a tangible sign of police goodwill , but a spokesperson for the Soweto Civic Association stated on Jan. 4 that blacks had no illusions about the attitude of the policy in enforcing apartheid laws .
4 Sharif 's latest disavowal concerning Pakistan 's nuclear programme came amidst renewed controversy prompted by United States Senator Larry Pressler , who claimed during a visit to the country on Jan. 12-13 that Pakistan had the components for at least two nuclear weapons .
5 German Foreign Minister Hans Dietrich Genscher told the conference on Sept. 10 that Germany favoured the creation of a UN-style CSCE peace-keeping force with the power to intervene in countries suspected of violating human rights " even if their governments do not agree to this " .
6 LEFT Fred Hoyle in 1955 , some years before he , Bond i and Gold propounded the Steady State Theory of the Universe .
7 The Press Trust of India news agency reported on May 6 that Rabbani opposed the formation of the Cabinet .
8 Darlington Transport Company decided to axe its three-bus-an-hour 11a route from February 24 after research showed the average number of passengers was three .
9 The British attitude had long been clear : the 1951 Conservative government had continued to follow the line laid down by the previous Labour foreign minister , Ernest Bevin , who said in the House of Commons in November 1950 that Britain preferred an expansion of the Treaty of Brussels to serve as the basis of military cooperation within NATO , but would not object to the EDC were it to be established .
10 We went on the air in October 1986 and Kylie joined the cast about four months into the series .
11 The combination of SMS 201–995 and omeprazole caused a significant fall in pepsinogen A from 102 ( 21 ) µg/l to 72 ( 9 ) µg/l ( p<0.05 ) compared with single omeprazole treatment ; one day after stopping treatment there was still a significant rise ( p<0.05 ) in the pepsinogen A value ( 82 ( 24 ) µg/l ) .
12 That was the day in October 1957 that Ken spent the afternoon rehearsing a new routine .
13 However , a compromise reached on Oct. 4 after negotiations reduced the amount borne by the patients to DM1,000 million and increased the medical and pharmaceutical contribution to DM10,000 million .
14 Another way of trying to determine whether InsP 3 and DAG have a mitogenic function is to mimic their action with appropriate pharmacological agents .
15 Lee Jang-lim , 46 , said the faithful would ascend to heaven in a ‘ rapture ’ on October 28 as Armageddon struck the world .
16 Fredegar reveals that Theuderic II and Brunhild used the Council of Chalon in 602/3 to depose Desiderius of Vienne .
17 In an explicit warning to Israel , Saddam Hussein said in a radio broadcast on April 2 that Iraq had no need of nuclear weapons , since it had binary chemical weapons capable of destroying " half of Israel " in the event of an Israeli attack .
18 Kirkby beat Kingston 3-0 and Leamington had a three-goal star in Graham Phelan in their 5-3 win against Clifton , Billy Heinze adding a brace .
19 Corporation Bootle and Hamilton both progressed in the LCFA Intermediate Cup , Corporation beating Sarum 3-2 and Hamilton having a hat-trick star in Ritchie Graham in a 3-2 success over Crusader ( Adrian Apter , Stuart Thornton ) .
20 Henry II and Richard seized the opportunity to return to Limoges , to lay siege to Aixe and the citadel .
21 John and Eleanor arrived back in London in June 1987 and John took a secular job .
22 It is a collective expression of extensive opposition to — even outrage at — the attempt by Henry VIII and Arran to stampede the Scots , the moment the opportunity appeared to present itself , into a complete denial of their long tradition of independence fought for and achieved in the teeth of English aggression .
23 Hyon Ju Ok , the leader of the radical labour group Chonnohyop , was arrested on June 14 after police surrounded the Myongdong Cathedral in Seoul where he and several other dissidents had taken refuge in mid-May .
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