Example sentences of "[noun prp] [vb mod] be [noun] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There was broad consensus that a united Germany should be part of NATO , albeit with some regard for Soviet security interests .
2 Although Crete may be part of Greece , somehow it 's different .
3 For Gorchakova , for example , there is the bait of Shostakovich 's Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk ; Prokina will be Fevronia in Rimsky 's The Tsar 's Bride .
4 A programme of CPD will be requirement of membership of the RIBA from 1992 , and it is argued that this is already covered by the charter and Byelaws which commit members to the ‘ acquirement of the arts and sciences ’ associated with the advancement of architecture .
5 Though Allianz may be friends with Dresdner and Munich Re , they do not act in unison .
6 Suddenly , it seemed , the war was over at last , and Churchill announced on the wireless that 8 May would be Victory in Europe Day .
7 I can see that England would be anathema to Fairfax .
8 What was specified was that Franco would be Head of State for as long as he lived , and that he would designate his own successor , as king or regent .
9 ‘ So Fincara would be mistress of Murias , would she ?
10 She and Prince William will be hostages in place of the King .
11 WHO would be Secretary of State for Employment ?
12 He was threatening to dis-honour anyone who refused to come over to him : in other words , the price of continued loyalty to Charles would be loss of estates granted by previous kings ( whether as benefices or as lands associated with office-holding ) .
13 A similar comparison of 1984 and 1992 child benefit rates , taking into account the increase in earnings , shows that the benefit from next April should be £12.55p per child ; instead it will be £9.65p for the first child and only £7.80p for each subsequent child .
14 Middlesbrough chief executive Keith Lamb will be guest of Teesside branch of the Football Supporters ' Association at the Marquis Hotel , Middlesbrough , on Thursday night .
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