Example sentences of "[noun prp] [vb mod] [verb] to be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ But Jamie or Gary should prove to be suitable donors .
2 And he does not like to be reminded of the gaffes he made as deputy chairman — branding the young unemployed as workshy , or musing on Radio Ulster whether Ian Paisley might like to be prime minister of a united Ireland .
3 Come along , Mr Curtis , I think Mrs Sutherland 'd like to be alone for a bit . ’
4 ‘ Mr Appin will try to be clever , ’ said Miss Resker happily , ‘ but if we watch him carefully , we shall see his lips move . ’
5 ‘ That surely means that Edward will have to be married right away to a foreign princess — someone old and ugly whom he hates , I doubt not , instead of the one he loves . ’
6 September that , in calculating the transfer of funds from local authorities to the funding councils in recognition of their new responsibilities , the resources attributable to those courses for which the LEAs will continue to be responsible will be left within local authorities ' standard spending assessments .
7 LEAs will continue to be able , as now , to respond flexibly to local demand and to the needs and circumstances of their local communities , taking account of the ability of students to pay fees .
8 Of course , Jeanne would have to be careful with such a large dog that , in his enthusiasm , he did n't bowl other dogs or people over , or frighten them .
9 Mrs Reynolds will need to be involved in this process in order to help relieve her anxieties and so that she can also support her husband .
10 As now , the NHS will continue to be open to all , regardless of income , and paid for mainly out of general taxation .
11 The point of that story was that Scrooge could afford to be generous .
12 Klaus would cease to be Civic Forum chair .
13 The TECs will continue to be responsible for the YT programme for this age group .
14 I want to make sure that Hemsworth can continue to be proud of its history .
15 If Paul were to challenge successfully the adherents of Tammuz , Jesus would have to be able to match the older god , miracle for miracle .
16 Brian could afford to be affectionate , from over a hundred miles away .
17 One part of BR will continue to be responsible for all track and infrastructure .
18 Mr Mellor will continue to be responsible for bringing in new laws on privacy and press intrusion if necessary .
19 Process engineering superintendent Peter Watson will continue to be responsible for long-term terminal development , hydrocarbon accounting , loss control , laboratory services and for technical support to plant operations .
20 Ebenezer Scrooge would appear to be alive and well and has been reincarnated in the guise of the Court of Bank of Ireland .
21 There was little doubt that Britain could continue to be successful , but certain adjustments were thought necessary to bring this about .
22 She explained that Donald was going through a difficult time , ‘ We all have our difficult times , right ? ’ and Nathan would have to be patient with him .
23 The decision in Wilsher would appear to be consistent with this reasoning .
24 Ron Akehurst , director of York University 's nonpolitical Health Economics Consortium , believes that regardless of which party is in power after April 9 health care in Britain will continue to be cash-limited .
25 Mrs Thatcher will have to be satisfied with the assurances she will receive from Mr Bush , who will tell her that , since defence cuts are politically inevitable , it is far better for modest and planned reductions to be proposed by his cabinet and the Pentagon than for swingeing cuts to be imposed by the US Congress , which is already chafing at the thought of the US budget deficit being deepened to pay for the defence of the wealthy Europeans .
26 A more prosperous Britain can afford to be ambitious .
27 But anyone who launches a bid for Ferranti will want to be sure there are no more black holes lurking in the company 's books .
28 While Prince Charles could afford to be amused , Diana was quickly discovering the exacting price of royal romance .
29 It gave the producers the chance to create some enticingly colourful kaleidoscopes , largely by Lazlo Kovaks ' cinematographic wizardry ; otherwise there was little about the film that either Nicholson , Dern or Strasberg would admit to being proud of .
30 As a result , on-loan Jon Gittens will have to be content with a substitute 's role .
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