Example sentences of "[noun prp] [noun prp] [coord] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She was built to keep the docks at Gloucester and Sharpness free from silt but could also work in the River Severn outside Sharpness Lock and on the west bank of the river at Lydney docks .
2 I joined it at Donnington Bridge and walked downstream , past Iffley Lock and under the by-pass to Radley , or up to Folly Bridge and through the back-streets of Osney to Port Meadow and Godstow .
3 So what has brought the best known boxer on the unofficial circuit , the best known bouncer in town , the man who has inspired film scripts and tall tales in the snooker halls , once one of the six people in Britain said to be able to bench-press 500 pounds , what has brought him to the dock in front of Judge Richard Lowry and to the possibility of spending the rest of his life locked up with robbers and rapists ?
4 A Gordon drive into the circle was deflected just wide of the post by defender Johnny Taylor and from the corner Gordon shot just wide .
5 The narratives of the Passio Praeiecti and of the Vita Boniti both have their peculiarities , and it is possible that the appointment of Praeiectus and the retirement of Bonitus were less creditable than their hagiographers claim .
6 The extrusion of great quantities of quartz porphyry in the Oslo Graben and in the South Tyrol and of other volcanics in the Black Forest may be further examples .
7 Lord Keith 's career , in which he held important commands in distant waters , particularly at the Cape of Good Hope and in the Mediterranean , gave him further opportunities to strengthen his political interest by advancing his friends in the service .
8 Woan read it perfectly , moving into the Spurs penalty area , skipping past Erik Thorstvedt and over the line .
9 Co-ordination may be subcontracted to an organisation like Project Trident or to the DTI 's Education and Industry Advisers .
10 We have come north through the Blackwall Tunnel beneath the river , along East India Dock Road and into the Isle of Dogs .
11 Cos I do n't wan na make a big thing of it cos if it was today we 'd have to go before Sesame Street or after the Sesame Street .
12 Often , as the night drew on , a number of people were seen to lie down in odd places , both in Partisan Street and on the Embankment .
13 Dutiful Daughters with Jean McCrindle , Socialism and the New Life with Jeff Weeks and Beyond the Fragments with Lynne Segal and Hilary Wainwright came from this concern .
14 Although span wire overhead construction was used for most of the route , bracket suspension , using peculiar curved bracket arms , was used in Northcote Road and on the approaches to Goat House Bridge .
15 Úvoz Street becomes Nerudova Street and on the right at 47/233 was the home of the writer and poet Jan Neruda .
16 All evening , great men came and went at Downing Street and at the Palace of Westminster .
17 Then a hue and cry was mounted for Mr Delors to get in touch urgently with the Prime Minister either in Downing Street or on the telephone .
18 Mitch Cook launched a surging run down the left , David Cork had a shot blocked and record signing Nick Cusack sent a looping header past Neil Edwards and into the Stockport goal his second goal for the club and his first at Feethams since signing from Motherwell .
19 The suggestion was made , some fifteen years ago , by the Japanese geneticist Motoo Kimura and by the Americans Jack King and Tom Jukes , primarily for changes at the molecular level .
20 In practice this often meant that immature minds would take over Leavis 's own evaluations without relating them to their own experience of literature , resulting in the diffusion of callow or inept judgements that has been condemned from the right by C. S. Lewis and from the left by Catherine Belsey .
21 Averment that everything necessary happened to entitle the plaintiff to have the said testator pay to him eighteen of the yearly sums of £150 and that the time therefore elapsed after he had married Ellen Nicholl and during the testator 's lifetime and that plaintiffs annual income from his profession as a Chancery barrister never amounted to 600 guineas ; that the testator paid 12 of the 18 annual sums and part of the thirteenth but that the residue of that and the 5 subsequent instalments were due and unpaid .
22 Not just as squeaky clean , boring Ewan Famber but as a man .
23 To the former , I suggest you read The Rainment of Light by David Tansley and to the others that you try out the following experiment .
24 By early June the failure of an inquiry by Sir Edward Clark and of a group of ministers headed by Lloyd George to persuade the employers to agree to recognise the Federation and to negotiate with it on a joint board , began to bring nearer the prospect that the Transport Workers ' Federation National Executive would implement a recommendation by its Annual Conference that unless the joint board proposal was accepted a national strike would be declared .
25 The two opposing schools of thought are represented on the one side by Theodore Levitt and on the other by John Quelch and Richard Hoff .
26 ‘ Off the coast of Ras Al Khaimah and off the coast of Muscat , too , the Slave of the Devil has been known to catch a boat by the middle , break it — break its back and pull it down and down until all is gone .
27 There are even indications that many of Picasso 's circle , the artists , writers and dealers who used to meet at his studio in the Bateau Lavoir and at the Steins ' house in the rue Fleurus , already saw Picasso and Matisse as the two rival personalities most likely to influence the course of twentieth-century painting .
28 The affair caused considerable embarrassment for President François Mitterrand and for the government , which survived by 28 votes a motion of censure in the National Assembly on Feb. 11 .
29 The erm what we 've not erm what has not been er challenged is the argument that it is a good thing for North Yorkshire and for the region and for the United Kingdom and possibly for the European Union , that footloose inward investment , sorry footloose investment , of erm strategic importance should erm be capable of being attracted to this county .
30 Across North Yorkshire and around the world this is Radio York from the B B C.
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