Example sentences of "[noun prp] [noun prp] [modal v] have [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Ramsey asked the pointed question whether William Temple would have been able to write if he had been Bishop of London and not Archbishop of York .
2 The Scarlet Pimpernel would have been proud of us .
3 The van Goghs must have been relieved as well as saddened when their rumbling volcano of a son departed .
4 If it had not been for Agnes 's willingness to help , poor Miss Watson would have been unaided in her weakness .
5 We did n't have ‘ team spirit ’ any more , ( Miss Brodie would have been proud of us ! ) .
6 However , even though Richard Baxter may have been poor as a theologian and controversialist , he was undoubtedly one of the most outstanding pastors of all time .
7 Sir Edward Elgar would have been delighted .
8 The man for the crisis proved to be Downton , who stayed with Gower till the end , which came when Botham declared on 302 for 6 ; they were helped by Marshall not being able to bowl , but it was still a fine piece of concentration of which Ken Barrington would have been proud .
9 Allan Wells would have been proud . ’
10 ‘ I see Dr Nichols would have been due to cover this evening 's surgery anyway . ’
11 It 's a truck the Beverley Hillbillies would have been proud of .
12 Alan Prentice must have been impressed .
13 The late Ray Petri would have been proud of this issue .
14 ‘ Two Dr Naylors would have been impossible . ’
15 Whoever it was , he and Kieran Goss would have been kindred souls .
16 Had she been asked to account for her day Elisabeth Danziger would have been unable to do so .
17 Dr Dichter would have been proud of that piece of depth thinking .
18 They believe Mr MacDonald may have been involved in some kind of argument shortly before his death .
19 Mr Museveni would have been unable to stay in power were it not for the economic success unfolding around him .
20 He claims that Mr Maitland should have been able to rely on the references and should be compensated for the full amount plus lost interest .
21 Mr Hyde would have been proud of the shambles that let through Watford 's Paul Furlong .
22 King Sabata Dalindyebo would have been pleased .
23 Mr Bond was deemed to be insolvent at the time the bankruptcy judgment was entered against him and the bankruptcy notice was served — ‘ about three weeks ago ’ — but Mr Bond may have been insolvent before that time .
24 Of course , Mr McGibbon would have been delighted if his son had turned into another Stephen Roche .
25 Robert Naish must have been disappointed at the members ' Extraordinary General Meeting on June 5th when his three-part motion failed to get the necessary 2:1 majority ( For 125 , Against 103 ) .
26 Lt Ferris may have been caught-out by the P-51 's undesirable characteristic that in a tight turn , will a full fuselage tank , the aircraft tended to tighten into the turn and stall out before the pilot could regain control .
27 Her late Grandma Gittel-plus-seven would have been proud .
28 Mr Ashdown said Mr Major should have been aware of a Government paper detailing the extent of the trade when , in December 1990 , he flatly denied any illicit trading .
29 Now that Party Politics has been sold — reportedly for an offer Mr Stoddart would have been insane to refuse — Brown Windsor and Auntie Dot are the only two runners bred by their owners .
30 PRINCESS Diana would have been proud of them .
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