Example sentences of "[noun prp] [noun prp] [noun] [vb past] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The Rev B B Morgan acted for many years as Honorary Secretary to this venture and deserves a large share of the credit for its successful establishment .
2 But when his friend and fellow Scot Jim Clark died in 1958 , Jackie — like so many others — simply rationalized and sublimated that fact : ‘ Somehow his death had become impossible to accept .
3 Older people were more religious than the young , women more than men , and above all , the rural areas more than the urban workers , as S. G. Strumilin discovered in 1922 ( Table 1 ) .
4 S. K. Ratcliffe referred in 1909 to the need for the " preservation , or restoration , of spoken English under the present conditions of rapid degeneration " .
5 So in November 1942 , forces under the command of General Dwight D. Eisenhower landed in French North Africa ( notably at Casablanca , Oran and Algiers ) shortly after the British victory at El Alamein in Egypt .
6 Also on Feb. 19 Mohammad Hassan Sharq resigned as Prime Minister , and on Feb. 21 Sultan Ali Keshtmand ( Sharq 's predecessor as Prime Minister ) was appointed Chairman of a newly created Executive Committee of the Council of Ministers [ ibid . ] .
7 Penny Seu Chen murmured with mischievous lasciviousness , drifting into Maria 's office less than a minute later .
8 The Creed Street School remained in this form until 1891 , when the Headmaster 's house was pulled down and the school extended .
9 Lalith Athulathmudali and G. N. Premachandra resigned in late August 1991 [ see pp. 38393 ; 38440 ] ; the departure of these UNP dissidents created the vacancies still unfilled as of end-September .
10 Finally , an anthology of French orchestral music played by the Orchestre de Paris recorded in 1968–9 .
11 G. R. Hibbard argued in 1956 that there was in the seventeenth century a tradition of country house poems written by Jonson , Herrick , Carew , and Marvell .
12 GENERAL Manuel Noriega remained at large and skirmishing continued around Panama last night , as an ugly and protracted guerrilla war and a potential hostage crisis threatened President Bush 's hopes of a brisk Christmas victory in America 's back yard .
13 Dismissing the move as ‘ foolish ’ , Dr Jim Howe appealed to pro-life protesters to let the matter rest .
14 The Loch Morar expeditions began with manned observation equipment and progressed to underwater television in 1975 .
15 In Bron-yr-Eglwys they also took wetsuits , boots and gloves worth £350 , while the haul from the Mold Road house amounted to another £2,000 .
16 President Jaime Paz Zamora swore in new commanders of the armed forces on Nov. 19 .
17 The last North Shields pit closed in 1929 , although Back worth colliery which was just over the boundary of Tynemouth CB survived until 1979 .
18 Councillor Matheson also asked if any social workers presently in the employ of Orkney Islands Council had at any time in their careers , attended conferences , seminars or other courses organised by the Reachout Trust ?
19 The extraordinary court case in which the chief officers of the Florentine Soprintendenza and others were accused of causing damage to the national heritage by laying new paving in the Piazza della Signoria ended on 21 February with suspended sentences distributed all round .
20 CHANCELLOR Norman Lamont came under heavy fire on booze tax yesterday .
21 The trial of Field Marshal Kesselring opened at ten o'clock on 10 February in the dark-panelled courtroom under the slogan ‘ La Legge e Uguale per Tutti ’ .
22 Claiming a military success in toppling the regime , even while General Manuel Antonio Noriega remained at large , the chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff , General Colin Powell , said : ‘ Noriega has been decapitated from the dictatorship of this nation . ’
23 In Dorset Elizabeth Reynolds wrote to mixed attendance centres around the country asking whether or not there were problems accommodating both boys and girls .
24 F. A. Barnard started in royal service as page of the back stairs to George III ; by 1765 he was a member of the staff of the royal library .
25 The estimated daily value of North Sea crude fell by 8 per cent to £21.3 million , nearly £2 million down on December , in spite of a more beneficial dollar/sterling rate .
26 Dr Paul Alexandre died in 1968 without having been able to write the book he would have liked to dedicate to Modigliani .
27 , malt dispatch manager at Bury St. Edmunds retired after 38 years service .
28 When Sgt Betty Hawkes returned from 34 HQ Communications , she went straight to bed .
29 In his dealings with Brit-Pol Mr Boulton spoke to this woman , Elizabeth Cooper .
30 Why could not Æthelred have brought the enemy to battle with a national army at his back , as Alfred did many times , as Æthelstan did to gain his great victory at Brunanburh in 937 , as King Harold Godwinsson did in 1066 , and , most significantly of all , as Æthelred 's own son did in 1016 ?
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