Example sentences of "[noun prp] [adv] at the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Come and get warm , ’ said David almost at the same time as Anthony was saying :
2 Speaking in Aberdeen yesterday at the annual meeting of the Scottish Landowners ' Federation 's north-east region , the SLF convener , Disney Barlow , said his organisation was getting phone calls every day from people worried about re-letting land .
3 He knew that Siward , finally , might have just enough extra power to prevail , upon which his men had their orders : to give way ; to appear to fly ; to cross the Forth somehow at the wide ford , having got rid of the bridge .
4 ‘ Tell me , Jack , is that little toad Vargas still at the Spanish Embassy ? ’
5 ‘ I do n't want a nurse who might scream or faint when matters become difficult , or would swoon at the sight of blood , ’ said Dr Neil , a little frantically , trying to care for his patient and send McAllister away at the same time .
6 ‘ President Clinton likes lighter food than President Bush , ’ said White House chef Pierre Chambrin yesterday at the annual meeting of top people 's cooks in Paris .
7 The pair discussed a book found lying in the dining-room , the works of Sir George Mackenzie , a predecessor of Boswell both at the Scottish Bar and in literature .
8 If we believe in God yet at the same time presuppose a picture of God which is less than he really is , our faith is bound to suffer .
9 Or again , someone may honestly put himself under the lordship of Christ yet at the same time adhere to a Christian lifestyle or espouse Christian values which by temperament or nationality he would be likely to appreciate anyway .
10 Then he landed in Oxford just at the right time to go out to the factory and it was open , and you had to get your car as soon as you could and see that everything was all right .
11 In fact , I think in Bournemouth you can actually make locals on Mercury now at the normal rate which is good !
12 ( 6 ) Nonauratic art is for Benjamin somehow at the same time ‘ political ’ , which is not true to auratic cultural forms .
13 16–11- That he would contribute £50 and proposed that services should be held at Keills and Ballygrant alternately at the usual hours of public worship on the Sabbath .
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