Example sentences of "[noun prp] [adv] [that] it [vb mod] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Might the hon. Member for Bolsover ( Mr. Skinner ) want more money for Derbyshire so that it can employ more people such as his brother , who is employed as a personnel liaison officer for Toyota , his sister-in-law , who is employed in the county publicity department — — and such as another sister-in-law , who is employed in the education department ?
2 Napoleon III had no desire to emulate St Louis by sitting under an oak tree in Vincennes dispensing justice to all comers , but in a more up-to-date version he went one better by donating the entire area of the park ( which belonged to the Crown ) to the City of Paris so that it might become for the poorer section of the city what the Bois de Boulogne was to the rich .
3 WE got so much that we had asked for from Norman Lamont yesterday that it might seem churlish not to give his Autumn Statement an unqualified welcome .
4 By contrast , after talks with Major on Nov. 11 , German Chancellor Helmut Kohl expressed understanding for Major 's domestic problems and said that " what is decisive for us is that the Treaty should remain unchanged and should be ratified as such by all states within the EC so that it can come into force in 1993 " .
5 At the time of going to press , the ITF confirmed that it was awaiting papers from Slovenia so that it could process its application to become an associate member .
6 According to Dr D.W.F. James , the then Director of the Polytechnic of Wales , the government 's decision was a reflection of its desire not to rock the boat and was connected with arguments about the Welsh language , arguments which had already saved Bangor Normal College from merging with the University College of North Wales so that it could develop as a Welsh medium teacher-training college .
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