Example sentences of "[noun prp] [adv] [vb pp] [adv prt] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Flames and smoke from nearby chestnut-sellers and the bare-chested fire-eaters flickered and drifted into the dark grey sky , and Meredith just hung on to Lucenzo , lost for words , overwhelmed by the volume of sound , the bustle , the glamour , as they walked along beneath the arched walkway of the Procuratie Nuove .
2 Richard now pressed on to Salerno , where he wanted to discuss a recurrent ague with the city 's famous doctors .
3 Ian Clarke , a Bank of England executive , and his wife Jacqueline promptly turned back to Surrey so they would be nearer Heathrow and Gatwick airports — and better placed to take off for Australia .
4 It was clear then that Noriega only held on to power by two threads — popular apathy and the loyalty of the Panama Defence Force .
5 Having studied the sunspots and the solar prominences , in a race with the Frenchman P. J. C. Janssen , Lockyer then moved on to claim the existence of a new element in the sun , helium .
6 Diana soon moved in to rooms at Buckingham Palace where she , her mother and a small team had to organize her wedding and her wardrobe .
7 He worked at Sotheby 's and , as Louise gushingly pointed out to Constance after their first meeting , ‘ He knows absolutely everybody , darling .
8 In Canada , Niki narrowly lost out to Nelson Piquet and Prost trailed in third ; on Detroit 's bumpy street circuit , which Niki liked no better than he liked Monaco , Piquet scored a double .
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