Example sentences of "[noun prp] [adv] [verb] this [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 Enoch Powell later cited this indication of my position as a kind of pledge from which , when events turned out as they did , I should have had the whole Cabinet 's leave formally to withdraw .
2 Dickens also has this habit of making people out to be machines , or making objects become alive .
3 Einstein then generalized this form of the equivalence principle to cover both electromagnetic and mechanical experiments .
4 The civil war between Renamo guerillas and the government in Mozambique also reflects this sense of deprivation — Renamo has been particularly strong amongst the Makonde of the north , who were most affected by the communal village programme of the 1970s .
5 Britain never developed this idea of popular sovereignty in constitutional terms , even if we sometimes talk of the sovereignty of the electorate in political terms .
6 With his latest movie , Henry & June , Philip Kaufman slightly varies this mix of spices to serve up a soft-focus hash of Sex and Literature in Paris , 1931 .
7 One of the aims of this seminar was to train the future trainers , and AR-WACC intentionally combined this concern of theirs with the Frankfurt Book Fair .
8 And I must point out Dorothy actually volunteered this piece of film .
9 Whether or not Crosland actually shared this view of the universities it is possible , as Carswell points out , to deduce from Crosland 's 1965 Woolwich speech that the universities were somehow ‘ placed in isolation , seeking after truth , persuing learning for its own sake , and getting a lot of money for it ’ .
10 Happily Mr White soon abandons this sort of yuk and reveals much that is interesting in Hawking 's life at Cambridge and later abroad ; his progress from stick to crutches to wheelchair to electric car , from whispered speech to tracheotomy to a computerised voice machine ; the problems of finding suitable accommodation , exacerbated by an unhelpful bursar ; the birth of his three children ; difficulties with his wife Jane , to whom he owed so much , and their eventual separation ; his love of dancing and dinner parties , and always his stubborn courage in refusing to regard himself or allow others to regard him as anything but normal .
11 The remaining arrangements of music by Borodin , Chopin , Rimsky , Liszt and Tchaikovsky hardly maintain this level of emotional charge , but if you want to stand any chance of getting to the end of your meal , that 's probably just as well !
12 Many in South Wales also chose this method of combating a drop in returns and yet we have already seen that lack of time was a likely constraint in the future .
13 Plainly , Gloria well understood this point of view .
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