Example sentences of "[noun prp] [noun pl] [verb] down [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 FROM THE opening piston pump and steamhammer beat of Captain Beefheart 's ‘ Hard Working Man ’ , through its coked-up party time desperation , to its despairing sign-off line , this is a provocative , unrelenting and fatalistic look at three Detroit steelworkers ground down by the system .
2 Every city-born Yorkshire tyke comes into this world with an inborn , umbilical attachment to the Dales , those lush valleys below the brooding moorland where the Yorkshire rivers flow down to the Humber : Wharfedale , Swaledale , Airedale , Nidderdale , and Wensleydale , the only one not named alter its river , the Ure .
3 In fact at various times there would be BBC rulings issued down concerning the number of breaks you could have in a recording , so you had to choose your breaks with great discretion to make best use of them .
4 Fellow Space Security agent Sara Kingdom shoots Bret down before the Doctor and Steven can convince her that Vyon was no traitor — as Chen had told her .
5 In August 1952 the innocent-looking East and West Lyn rivers swept down into the Devon resort of Lynmouth , obliterating houses and removing all trace of the Beach Hotel , which was carried out to sea .
6 Knowing that not many Southwark families sat down to a breakfast like that , the Beavises blessed their luck and addressed the world with beaming gratitude .
7 The river was at high water and with the green tree-clad Severn grounds sweeping down to the high water mark , it was a sight to behold ‘ Best county in the country , ’ said Billy in a matter of fact way .
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