Example sentences of "[noun prp] [vb past] to [be] [adj] to " in BNC.

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1 Always Poshekhonov seemed to be close to him .
2 At the same time , Schuman ceased to be central to French foreign policy .
3 She wondered if Mrs Gray wanted to be fair to her husband and to avoid mentioning him in a role which showed him having to report to HQ , as it were ; or whether she wanted to be fair to Canon Wheeler , about whom , her tone suggested , she might share her husband 's opinion .
4 Stephen liked to be able to wrong-foot the people who worked for him and was a master at taking them off-guard .
5 It is this concept which ISS held to be fundamental to increasing the commitment and achievement of pupils who now underachieve , especially many working-class pupils .
6 ‘ That does n't surprise me ; the old man was fond of cats so Sara decided to be allergic to cat 's fur and father encouraged the neighbourhood moggies into his office with kitchen scraps .
7 So what has brought the best known boxer on the unofficial circuit , the best known bouncer in town , the man who has inspired film scripts and tall tales in the snooker halls , once one of the six people in Britain said to be able to bench-press 500 pounds , what has brought him to the dock in front of Judge Richard Lowry and to the possibility of spending the rest of his life locked up with robbers and rapists ?
8 As a host , Fowler-Troon proved to be attentive to the point of fussiness .
9 However , it also meant that the sort of movements which normally flow through Clough had to be accurate to the point of perfection if they were not to be enmeshed in blue shirts .
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