Example sentences of "[noun prp] [vb past] when [pron] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The first thing Carlie did when she got to the foster home was pull the plastic footrest up close to the TV : ‘ Do n't talk to me when ‘ Young and Restless ’ is on , ’ she warned the foster mother who was standing behind her .
2 Search consultants are often called in when an organisation is considering going into a new business sector , as Marks & Spencer did when they went into financial services with their credit card ; as when BP were trying to diversify their business and spot winners by developing new technology ; as financial services institutions do when they wish to launch a new product or enter new markets .
3 ‘ That 's roughly what Richard said when I dined with him .
4 This is what a girl in Borstal meant when she said to me , ‘ I gave him everything I had but it was n't enough ’ .
5 ‘ Thank you , ’ Maggie said when he returned with two thimble glasses of whisky .
6 ‘ There 's something wrong with this house , ’ Hugh said when they sat at their muted dinner .
7 Marc swivelled when he came to the window , his black shape outlined against the dying embers of the sun and his face in shadow .
8 Raymond Blanc has an appetite for life , as Janette Marshall found when they talked about food , home and marriage
9 The first thing Harold Wilson did when he arrived in office was to set up a Policy Unit inside Number Ten , to work on short-term , day-to-day problems .
10 Now this is , Rocetta is the first campsite that Hannibal had when he went through the alps with his el elephants .
11 McAllister swallowed when he bent between the girl 's extended legs , and Effie shrieked aloud , throwing herself about , trying to avoid his gently probing hands .
12 Springfield were the first band Young formed when he came to California , driving there in a hearse all the way from Canada .
13 June 1 : Piper L–4 Grasshopper destroyed when it crashed at a rodeo in Antioch , California .
14 If you walk east from the Telephone Bar and Grill , you arrive at the block where Eleanor Marx stayed when she came to New York .
15 Our walks have been outstandingly enjoyable , and yesterday we walked on the estate which you and Bob pained when we went to the Crinan Canal .
16 But big-hearted Gerry laughed when he heard of the prank .
17 We have to get this clear once and for all and it is the question of what Neil Armstrong said when he landed on the Moon .
18 The result was a striking contrast to the dull brown tinged with grey that Pamela had when she came into the salon .
19 ‘ You look as though you 've enjoyed yourself , ’ Laura said when she went into the kitchen .
20 Rhoda said when she came to tea at the weekend , ‘ You only remember what you want to remember , Ken ; serve you right .
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