Example sentences of "[noun prp] [vb past] in [noun] [subord] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Gary helped him with his chemistry and deserves much of the credit for the good grades William got in tests when he got back ( the teachers were amazed ! ) .
2 I know for a fact David confided in Keith when we split up and told him everything .
3 Meredith squealed in alarm as he jerked her roughly towards him .
4 David Aird jumped in alarm as I burst into song , rocking the boat dangerously .
5 A boar , tusked and red-eyed , suddenly burst from the undergrowth and Corbett jumped in fear as it blundered its way amongst the trees .
6 Next morning Shiona remained in bed until she was certain that Jake had left for the office .
7 Ulbricht died in office when he was gone eighty , did n't he ? ’
8 Carrie sighed in resignation as he carried her out on to the small landing and leaned his shoulder against the bedroom door .
9 Endill watched in horror as he began hitting the handle , swinging against it with all his might .
10 Jacques Devraux watched in silence as she stepped out of her sodden clothing .
11 A year ago , the Commons listened in silence as she gave a graphic eyewitness account of the suffering of Kurdish refugees on the Iran-Iraq border in the aftermath of the Gulf War .
12 In other words , whereas Fred grew in understanding because he started with experience and read to feed the interest which derived from it , those who started with the reading failed to develop understanding because the interest was not there .
13 Mize looked in trouble after they 'd played their second shots .
14 Before sleeping I wonder what Pascal had in mind when he wrote in the Pensées : ‘ Time heals griefs and quarrels , for we change and are no longer the same persons .
15 Gaetano Salvemitu used to maintain that Mussolini ended in disaster because he always said Ja to Hitler at the wrong moment .
16 Martin remained in disarray until he was 0–4 down in the fourth .
17 It is not clear what Croom-Johnson J. had in mind when he said that there was a requirement of ‘ hostile intent , ’ and the observation has been doubted and explained subsequently .
18 Marion exclaimed in disgust as she stooped through the door .
19 It may have been this group Professor Ashton had in mind when he drew attention to the way in which London banks played a role in making available the " savings of agriculturalists ' to provide " much of the investment in manufacture " .
20 Pound had known Phyllis Bottome between 1905 and 1907 , when they were fellow students at the University of Pennsylvania , and it 's not clear whether it is that early association , or a period later when she had caught up with him in London , that Phyllis Bottome had in mind when she wrote of how Pound tried to transform her as a writer from a talented amateur into a professional :
21 Damien writhed in anger as he stood penned in the bus shelter like an animal , with this herd of obnoxious Cockneys .
22 Mrs McMahon called in astonishment as she emerged from the lounge .
23 This is the sort of procedure that Wimsatt had in mind when he said ( 1958 : 149 ) that ‘ poetry is that type of verbal structure where truth of reference or correspondence reaches a maximum degree of fusion with truth of coherence — or where external and internal relation are intimately mutual reflections ’ .
24 Foster screamed in panic as he felt the cruel steel slice his flesh , and he threw himself bodily away from his attacker , hitting the ground in a rolling break-fall and spraying himself with his own urine as he did so .
25 It was binding as mere furniture that Burns had in mind when he wrote :
26 One hopes that is not what Crane had in mind when he credited Williams 's poems with ‘ charm ’ .
27 This must be the sort of writing that Crane had in mind when he applauded Williams ( still rather grudgingly , however ) for sometimes attaining ‘ the classic manner of the old Chinese poets ’ .
28 Were these the woods , I wondered , that Kingsley had in mind when he wrote of Tom 's escape from Ellie 's little white bedroom ?
29 And while he was about it , Guy told himself savagely , he had better discover what little plot Isabel had in mind once she reached Winchester .
30 Dr Penry Vaughan nodded in approval as he poured hot , fragrant liquid from an insulated flask into a mug .
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