Example sentences of "[noun prp] [vb past] [adv prt] out [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 As Lucy moved back out into the passageway , she met the returning tide from the last ensemble number onstage ; they arrived in a rush , panting like horses and shedding their quasi-military costumes as they moved .
2 Madame then settled back in her seat and fell into a deep sleep for the rest of the journey , full of good food and wine , and liqueurs , while Ellie stared back out of the window and tried to make some sense of all that had just been said , and all that had just happened .
3 Rory got up out of the creaking wooden seat and walked unsteadily over to where Fergus lay on the bare wooden floorboards , head against the ancient , burst couch .
4 Tom crawled back out into the sun and pulled Willie out after him .
5 Tabitha leapt back out of the airlock to the foot of the steps .
6 Edwards got back out of the car .
7 Iago ambled down out of the forest in mid-afternoon , on a Welsh mountain pony with a barrel like a butt of wine , a cross-grained temper , and a turn of speed no one would have credited from her build .
8 He washed his hands , soiled by her , at a sink , and Mrs Beatty slunk back out of the room .
9 The train pulled into Woodburn , and Clare stepped up out of the carriage .
10 Robyn scrambled back out of the way and watched helplessly as the choking greyness filled the room .
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