Example sentences of "[noun prp] [vb past] [noun] a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Dana cast Claudia a disparaging glance .
2 And Patrick Scott threw Britain a crucial lifeline when he scored six minutes from time to cancel out Miroslav Tomasik 's second goal for Poland two minutes earlier .
3 One time , Dionne brought Jay a huge bunch of plaited purple garlic from the Breton onion man who hung around in Islington from time to time .
4 Georgina gave Matthew a sultry look .
5 David Currie gave Barnsley a flying start , scoring after 31 seconds , and Andy Rammell added their second .
6 Another penalty from Roberts gave Gloucester a comfortable half-time lead .
7 Military victory in the Falklands gave Britain a new stature for a time , but by 1987 the impact of this had disappeared .
8 Jane found animals a great prop to sanity .
9 Bernie handed Tony a large whisky .
10 Mrs Phipps gave Maggie a cold look and said , ‘ Why is it yer 've never 'ad your balloon up , Maggie ? ’
11 Norman Pinder gave Meryl a hesitant smile over the top of his tray .
12 Sohail was out again , cutting , and after tea Mujtaba gave Hick a comfortable slip catch .
13 Full-back Lee Sandford gave Stoke a 24th-minute lead but Foyle equalised for Vale a minute later .
14 A neat move of one-touch football from Mikhailichenko gave Huistra a promising opening , for example , but his compatriot made a fine save .
15 Chantal flashed D'Arcy a reproving glance , but Roquelaure continued as though he had not heard : ‘ We must think where it leaves the French Government , Rober' .
16 Penry handed Leonora a steaming mug , then hooked a large wicker chair near the bed and sat down .
17 Finally she solved the problem by agreeing to let Ted do it provided none of us told Mum and as long as Ted gave Jean a full report at the end of each day on what precisely was going on between Dad and Eva .
18 Stowmarket gave Clacton a fair thrashing earlier in the season and if they do the same to Loughton it would give Clacton 's title prospects a big boost .
19 When she had gone , Carlo gave Alex a rueful look .
20 Elaine gave Stephen a tentative kiss on the cheek , leaving a red lipstick mark which he quickly rubbed off .
21 Carrie flashed Seb a shy smile that , had he been looking at her , would have conveyed to him all the love she was feeling .
22 The BBC made Sunday a special occasion by shunting On The Record with the party leaders to BBC2 , and showing the EastEnders omnibus edition in the morning .
23 Shirley handed Jenna a huge book , tightly wrapped .
24 And if his visits were not curtailed there had to be a risk that , when Vitor saw Thomas a second time , or a third , or a fourth , he would recognise the resemblance , add up dates , and realise that his mother did have a grandchild !
25 Newcastle were brought down to earth when Brendan O'Connell earned Barnsley a 1-0 victory .
26 When the fire fighting and rescue detail had regrouped outside the main gates , Wallace , Rocky and Larsen gave Springfield a brief account of their successful operation .
27 A late goal from substitute Carlos Aguilera gave Torino a three-two victory but Aberdeen 's two away goals have certainly rattled the Italians .
28 Rose gave Sam a sideways look .
29 ‘ Have some of this instead , ’ and McGowan passed Jed a brown vial .
30 Mrs Hollidaye found Gloria a blue suitcase with proper metal clips to pack their things in .
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