Example sentences of "[noun prp] [coord] they [verb] [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 I looked for one of those sandwich box things for Gerald in Sainsburys and they had n't got one .
2 They are a good bunch of lads and there 's a lot of confidence from that 4-2 opening day win at Arsenal and they 've just kept it going . ’
3 Yeah somebody I I ca n't remember who it was , I heard somebody I think on the radio or television talking about the , you know it was the beginning of January and they 've already put er hot cross buns in the supermarkets .
4 Other Australian shows have played in England but they have n't achieved the success this one has . ’
5 Billie had joined Lily and they had obviously hit it off .
6 They 're in Nottingham tonight and they 're later at the Ritz at Lincoln but they 've just heard that they 're number one in the hit parade with their new video .
7 It was Sunday and they had all found rooms in a commercial apartment house .
8 St Matthew 's had liaised with the Refuge about Harry but they had n't known what to suggest .
9 They had seen Miss Brady in the distance at Mass but they had never met her .
10 They were presented to Floy and Fenella and Snodgrass by Caspar and they had all swept bows ( Bith 's hat had fallen off ) and been charmed to meet travellers like this .
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