Example sentences of "[noun prp] [coord] [noun prp] be to be " in BNC.

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1 Jonah and Petrovsky were to be assisted by Giandomenico Picco ( Italy , who had been involved in negotiations for the release of hostages in Lebanon — see pp. 38550 ; 38694 ) and Sotirios Mousouris ( Greece ) , both with the rank of Assistant Secretary-General .
2 For , like tribal art , the Cubism of Picasso and Braque was to be essentially conceptual .
3 Throughout 1912 and 1913 the works of Picasso and Braque were to be seen at the Sturm Gallery in Berlin and in the avant-garde exhibitions in Cologne and Munich .
4 English fiction in 1945 was already beginning to return to its eighteenth-century roots — a return confirmed soon after by Kingsley Amis , John Wain and Iris Murdoch , where the realism of Defoe and Fielding was to be self-consciously revived .
5 The withdrawn weapons which come from the United States and Britain are to be destroyed .
6 Under the terms of the peace agreement , 50,000 troops made up of members of FAPLA and FALA were to be trained and incorporated into the FAA .
7 PLANS to close the only Catholic mixed secondary school in Anfield and Everton are to be discussed .
8 The Milk Marketing Board , which collects and delivers milk in England and Wales is to be replaced .
9 Interior Minister Jawdat al-Subul announced on Sept. 11 that most of the 99 members of the Prophet Mohammad Army arrested in July and August were to be released as an act of mercy , but that 18 were to stand trial in connection with a car bomb explosion which had injured a policeman ; the group was also suspected of planning to kidnap one of King Hussein 's sons , and to conduct a campaign of bombings and assassinations in an attempt to force the King to oppose the United States-Soviet sponsored Middle East peace process .
10 Later in the will he provides that if no children are born or if they die within puberty then Mucius and Maevius are to be heirs .
11 It has recently been announced that the gas-phase plants at Wilton and Rozenburg are to be expanded and uprated — at a cost of more than £20 million — to bring ICI 's total production capability to over 400 kta by early 1989 — 300 kta gas phase , the balance by the diluent process .
12 The work of Hume , Kant and Lessing was to be of especial significance for theology ; for while they undermined the earlier kind of rationalism by restricting the claims and powers of reason and pointing to the sheer variety and diversity of history , they raised equally sharp questions for theologians .
13 If William and Harry were to be brought up in the rather stiff and formal atmosphere of the Palace after suffering the trauma of their parents ' splitting up , they would hardly end up as the secure , well-balanced people the Queen hopes will succeed her .
14 Eileen , Sarah and Kate were to be the bridesmaids , and Kate produced a bolt of pale pink taffeta for their dresses telling her mother that it came from a fire damage sale .
15 George , Carrie and Ginnie were to be in Mrs Hartridge 's class again .
16 But Kokoschka and Kraus were to be more comfortable in Berlin , and Loos 's principles were only to be realized on a major scale by the Bauhaus architects .
17 Bristol and Plymouth were to be secured by local sympathisers and then James was to arrive somewhere on the south coast , to lead a march to London .
18 More than 200 householders in Strathfoyle and Maydown are to be questioned .
19 Information on living standards in the FES and GHS is to be linked at the aggregate level of a given household type and income level .
20 Catherine and James are to be buried in their home village of Glounthane , near Cork , today .
21 Izvestiya reported on Sept. 26 that the Soviet ambassadors to France , the United Kingdom , Yugoslavia , Ireland , Sweden and Guinea-Bissau were to be retired .
22 Arcturus is still high , and the lovely Zodiacal constellations of Scorpius and Sagittarius are to be seen low in the south .
23 In the immediate future , we will be issuing guidance on the ways in which the new-style HNCs and HNDs are to be reviewed — this guidance is necessary because some of the pilot courses and Batch 1 courses will soon reach the end of their period of validation .
24 Sara and Thomas were to be in the cottage , and Simon 's household of three in Thomas 's place .
25 Just a month later however , this great work was threatened by an advertisement in the Mercury which stated that another plan of Manchester & Salford was to be on the market and carried out by J. Oldham .
26 When a special event or a victory like the Nile , Trafalgar or Waterloo was to be announced , the Mail Coach and horses were decorated with laurels and a red flag floated from the roof of the coach .
27 This new era which opened the century in both Britain and America was to be characterized by an increased politicization of the city as political parties widened their hold , by an increased interest in every aspect of city life , and by increased regulation through political and philanthropic agencies .
28 To many within the underground , and in the media 's eyes , in the years ahead Ferrier and Neville were to be the archetypal underground beautiful couple .
29 Morocco and Tunisia are to be hosts to two of the next sessions of the multilateral Middle East peace talks .
30 It was , then , peace or truce which threatened their existence , and it was because of the termination of hostilities between England and France which resulted from the treaty of Brétigny in 1360 , followed as this was in 1364 by the ending of the Navarrese challenge to the royal authority in Normandy and the war of Breton succession , that France , Italy and Spain were to be hosts to the Companies in the 1360s .
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