Example sentences of "[noun prp] [coord] [noun] in [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Publicity of this kind was much needed against the campaign being waged by Senator Mansfield and others in favour of major reductions to American forces in Europe .
2 They are registered with the English Golf Union and play regular fixtures at Mill Hill and Highgate in addition to Henley where they feel particularly welcomed and privileged by being permitted to play on a Sunday .
3 In the wartime agreement on pooling brains and resources for the original work on the atomic bomb , which was signed at Quebec in 1943 between the United States and Britain in association with Canada , there were five clauses : the signatories would not use atomic weapons against each other ; they would not use them against third parties without the others ' consent ; no information would be given to third parties without mutual consent ; Britain disclaimed any interest in commercial and industrial exploitation , because the heavy burden of production would fall on the United States ; and a Combined Policy Committee would be set up to ensure full and effective collaboration .
4 The Security Council unanimously adopted resolution 731 on 21 January endorsing certain requests put to Libya on 27 November by the United Kingdom , the United States and France in connection with the bombings of flights Pan Am 103 and UTA 772 .
5 The Battle of Naseby which took place in June 1645 , with Fairfax and Cromwell in charge of the Parliamentary forces and Prince Rupert , Astley and Langdale in charge of the Royalist troops , resulted in a great victory for Parliament , achieved — according to Cromwell — ‘ none other than the hand of God ’ .
6 The Battle of Naseby which took place in June 1645 , with Fairfax and Cromwell in charge of the Parliamentary forces and Prince Rupert , Astley and Langdale in charge of the Royalist troops , resulted in a great victory for Parliament , achieved — according to Cromwell — ‘ none other than the hand of God ’ .
7 I have just one quibble : could we not consider naming the ships HMS Stewart , Lang and Forsyth in memory of three Ministers who , notwithstanding that good news , are likely not to be in office much longer ?
8 This is the model outlined by Halliday and Hasan in Cohesion in English ( 1976 ) .
9 Social progress means heading for the city , dropping Aymara or Quechua in favour of Spanish , adopting modern dress and weakening ties with the countryside .
10 However rhetorically brilliant , the critique which Adorno and Horkheimer in Dialectic of Enlightenment offer is ultimately a totalizing discourse in which the dialectic struggles and twists against itself , serving only to tighten the knot which binds it .
11 But hard-headed calculations in both Washington and London in response to the grim realities of power politics do not wholly explain the remarkable Anglo-American relationship which developed from 1941 .
12 The company , acting by the administrators , also commenced actions against Mr. Ferriday and others in England and Jersey in respect of these transactions .
13 These comprise the main body of sexual law for England and Wales in relation to sexual offences in themselves .
15 Longleat and Woburn in addition to other sources .
16 Figure 1 shows the output of certificates between July and October in comparison to the previous session .
17 If you choose to travel during July and August in addition to your dinner invitation you are also as an Amsterdam Travel Service guest , offered a welcome drink in the famous Night Watch Bar .
18 He made annual visits to Spain and Portugal in connection with his business and he normally lived several months a year in London .
19 Davenport 's low cross was almost turned in by Rush and Byrne in turn before falling to Bennett , a substitute , who blazed the ball wildly off target .
20 The country is reported to be strengthening its relations with America , Germany and Canada in preparation for the UNCED summit to be held this June .
21 When the Highlanders failed to accept William and Mary in place of James VII of Scotland ( James II of England ) , the last day of 1691 was set as an ultimatum by William III .
22 Surprisingly inarticulate were Stirling and Buxton in view of their involvement in the competition .
23 Hitler 's policy was clever : to keep Romania and Hungary in competition with each other to see which could make the greater territorial gains .
24 Humphrey Duke of Gloucester held the forests of Savernake and Feckenham in chief of his brother Henry V , and in 1444 Henry VI granted the reversion of Feckenham Forest to Henry , Duke of Warwick in tail male .
25 Tracks include Maggie May by Blur , Shaddup Your Face by EMF , My Sweet Lord by Boy George , Ring My Bell by Tori Amos and Brass In Pocket by Suede .
26 ‘ At the turn of the year we shall cover every all-weather fixture at Lingfield and Southwell in addition to the usual turf fixtures .
27 If this is the case , then , as Rachel Adler has asked , does there not have to be a ‘ recovenanting ’ between Israel and God in order to fully and explicitly include Jewish women ?
28 Hundreds of thousands of people were reported to be on the move throughout October and November in search of food .
29 In García Márquez 's One Hundred Years of Solitude , for example , the telepathic communication , which confounds the laws of nature to reunite José Arcadio and Ursula in spirit at the moment of his murder , is conveyed symbolically in physical terms : the son 's blood goes in search of the source from which it sprang , climbing kerbs , doing right-angled turns and running along the walls to avoid staining the carpets , and , as the mother follows the trail back to his body , it becomes a kind of monstrous umbilical cord re-establishing the pre-natal bond between them .
30 Walberg , Hose and Raster ( 1978 ) showed the significant relationship between LOR and proficiency in English with Japanese children in the USA , but also point out that the rate of learning slows down very quickly over time , so that in the first two months the child learns as much as he will in the next five months , the next year and so on .
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