Example sentences of "[noun prp] [coord] [noun] [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Ponsford , Baker & Co. v. Union of London and Smith 's Bank Ltd. [ 1906 ] 2 Ch. 444 , C.A.
2 in Ponsford , Baker & Co. v. Union of London and Smith 's Bank Ltd. [ 1906 ] 2 Ch. 444 .
3 The Old Station Hotel in Middlesbrough , is being auctioned by Christie & Co in London on April 29 .
4 Postcranial change is seen in the progression from Proconsul and/or Afropithecus to Dryopithecus on the one hand , and to Sivapithecus on the other .
5 He was apprenticed to Robert Stephenson & Co. at Newcastle from 1846 to 1851 .
6 The most famous example is the burial of the Roman towns of Pompeii and Herculaneum in Italy by an eruption of Vesuvius in AD 79 .
7 Melrose have still to face Currie at the Greenyards and Gala at Netherdale in the final league match of the season .
8 York Early Music Festival in association with York Music Centre presents in a programme of music from 1500–1800 including music by Dowland , Telemann and Vivaldi with arrangements of early dance music .
9 Publicity of this kind was much needed against the campaign being waged by Senator Mansfield and others in favour of major reductions to American forces in Europe .
10 The high-speed monochrome GlobalXM is built around a 25MHz R3000A chip and has a performance of 130,000 Xstones and price of $4,016 for a 17″ monitor with 4Mb memory ; GlobalXG is a similar model with 256 shade grey-scale functionality and 80,000 Xstone performance at from $5,475 ) ; GlobalXP is built around the 40MHz R3000A and offers 256 colours and 130,000 Xstone performance at $8,048 , while Global PEX is a similar colour model with floating point accelerator to support PEX , and GlobalXC is the lower 25MHz clock speed with colour and 80,000 Xstones performance , priced from $6,040 .
11 After a series of celebrations , it will leave Middlesbrough for the last time next Tuesday and head for Portsmouth to be de-commissioned .
12 Bloodier , longer and also fought over Champagne soil was the struggle between Hugh Capet and Charles of Lorraine for the French throne .
13 Richard Solomon , United States Assistant Secretary of State for East Asia and the Pacific , visited China , Japan , Indonesia and Thailand during mid-March in an attempt to revive the stalled UN peace plan .
14 In the years before 1907 Braque was almost unknown , whereas many people already saw Picasso and Matisse as leaders of avant-garde painting .
15 They are registered with the English Golf Union and play regular fixtures at Mill Hill and Highgate in addition to Henley where they feel particularly welcomed and privileged by being permitted to play on a Sunday .
16 Foreign Ministers from member states of the Arab Maghreb Union ( AMU ) — Algeria , Libya , Morocco , Tunisia and Mauritania — met those from Italy , France , Portugal and Spain in Rome on Oct. 10 to discuss regional co-operation the creation of a permanent Conference on Security and Co-operation in the Mediterranean ( CSCM — see p. 37731 ) .
17 Now we have to beat Portugal and Italy at Ibrox before the end of the year to get ourselves back on course to qualify for the World Cup finals .
18 This has been characterised by Kamenka and Tay in terms of one of three great paradigms of social ideology , social organisation , law and administration , which they call the gesellschaft model of society .
19 Henry kept Richard and John in England over Christmas , but sent Geoffrey to Normandy " to hold it in custody " .
20 In practice , this means getting involved with lobbying in Brussels and Westminster on behalf of the industry , and acting as a representative in dealings with Trading Standards Environmental Health and the health and Safety Executive .
21 Harrison argued that an enduring Afghan settlement would have to be accompanied by parallel understandings between the United States , the USSR and China designed to neutralise Pakistan and Iran as arenas of Great Power conflict , which would rule out military alliances and special military relationships .
22 The study by Taubman and Wales of males in the top half of the IQ distribution in the United States concluded that for high school graduates ‘ ability is a more important determinant of the range of income distribution than is education . ’
23 Hull , with three successive defeats behind them and 12th in the First Division , face Hull KR on Friday and Castleford on Monday in their final two games which will determine whether they continue their 13-year run in the division .
24 The Chairman of Aerospatiale , the French aerospace group , commented that the proposed merger ( together with that between Daimler Benz and Messerschmitt under consideration at the same time ) risked setting a trend towards diversified national groupings , which would make the task of creating a European aerospace industry , capable of competing with the US , more difficult .
25 She gives the Sale , Wharfe and Nidd as examples of rivers which will be affected if the case is lost on appeal to the House of Lords .
26 In the wartime agreement on pooling brains and resources for the original work on the atomic bomb , which was signed at Quebec in 1943 between the United States and Britain in association with Canada , there were five clauses : the signatories would not use atomic weapons against each other ; they would not use them against third parties without the others ' consent ; no information would be given to third parties without mutual consent ; Britain disclaimed any interest in commercial and industrial exploitation , because the heavy burden of production would fall on the United States ; and a Combined Policy Committee would be set up to ensure full and effective collaboration .
27 There are important dissimilarities between the United States and Britain in terms of geography , demography , and social history .
28 The Security Council unanimously adopted resolution 731 on 21 January endorsing certain requests put to Libya on 27 November by the United Kingdom , the United States and France in connection with the bombings of flights Pan Am 103 and UTA 772 .
29 Unusually for the time , in the eighteenth century there were numerous lists describing the cows of Flanders and Liège with details of more than 71,000 individual animals , including their coat colour and details of the patterns .
30 In spite of David 's childhood marriage to the sister of the English king , Edward did not hesitate to help a Balliol descendant make a bid for the Scottish throne , driving David and Joan into exile in France after the battle of Halidon Hill near Berwick .
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