Example sentences of "[noun prp] [prep] the [noun] where the " in BNC.

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1 The first Presbyterian services in Portadown were held in the basement of a building where the Ulster Bank now stands and then in 1822 the first church was built in Edenderry on the site where the lecture hall now stands .
2 It seemed that she was not impressed for , having completed her examination , she turned ostentatiously away to follow Anthony to the table where the wine stood .
3 These theories can account in broad terms for the compositional differences between the Earth and the Moon , but only by making a number of fairly detailed assumptions about the conditions in the PFM in the region where the Earth and the Moon formed .
4 Seb had grown used to gipsy ways by now — especially Boz 's ways — but Dolly muttered angrily about ‘ gipsy ingratitude ’ and returned with Carrie to the room where the badly injured girl lay .
5 Beyond Inverewe is Poolewe , a picturesque village overlooking the head of Loch Ewe at the point where the rushing River Ewe enters the loch .
6 Shells have exploded in the Bosnian capital Sarajevo near the building where the Foreign Secretary Douglas Hurd was meeting the Bosnian president .
7 The wader lived up to his name by conveying the mayor on his back as he waded into the Swale at the point where the boundary runs down the middle of the river .
8 As Jesus insisted in Luke 24:47 , it was all to begin in Jerusalem : hence the emphasis on Jerusalem as the place where the Pentecostal gift arrived .
9 He parted some ferns so we could look back across the Paddock to the changing-rooms where the next toy soldier had just launched himself towards the Orchard .
10 The post-war frontier changes have brought the Alpine valley of the Isonzo ( Soča ) within the confines of Yugoslavia , and the present frontier follows the ridges to the west of the Soča to the point where the river enters Italy at Gorizia ( Gorica ) and flows across the Friulian plain to enter the Adriatic near Monfalcone ( Tržič ) .
11 WHEN Saul Bellow wrote of America as the place where the ‘ modern action ’ is , he might as well have included the whole continent : Central and South America , with their chaotic flux of civil wars , bloody massacres , assassinations , coups and putsches , are about as modern as the action gets .
12 He took Peter , James and John into the house where the girl was surrounded with people crying and wailing in their distress .
13 Mason retreated to Howard on the Clearwater where the one-armed General idled for a fortnight , allowing the Nez Perce to trail out of his jurisdiction .
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