Example sentences of "[noun prp] [noun sg] which be [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 An RAF squadron which is to be disbanded next month has staged a special display to mark the end of an era .
2 Major commitments in the concluding joint statement ( i ) ratified previous commitments made under the 1987 Esquipulas II or " Arias " peace process [ see pp. 35440-42 ] and welcomed new peace dialogues in El Salvador and Guatemala [ see below ] ; ( ii ) re-affirmed commitments to strengthen and consolidate democracy in the region and to respect human rights ; ( iii ) expressed satisfaction with the running of the recent Nicaraguan elections [ see p. 37236 ] and demanded an immediate start to the demobilization and disarming of the contra rebels under UN supervision which was to be completed by April 27 [ but see pp. 37370-71 ] ; ( iv ) agreed on a meeting of a joint regional security commission to take place in Costa Rica on May 15 ; ( v ) undertook to reorganize , strengthen and reactivate regional economic integration , to review foreign debt conditions and to urge the international financial community to provide additional resources under favourable terms ; and ( vi ) agreed on regional co-operation to eliminate illegal drug trafficking .
3 At the same time as Shirley Williams ( Secretary of State for Education in the Callaghan administration which was to be defeated in the General Election of 1979 ) was conducting the ‘ Great Debate ’ , inspectors from her Department were beginning a process of evaluation of the nation 's schools .
4 However , later David did come and see me to ask if his group could play on the school steps at the PTA fête which was to be held in the summer , so I suppose that was one of his first public engagements with his group .
5 It was originally intended to make an embankment across the Coomb Valley which was to be pierced by a bridge to accommodate a roadway .
6 His remarks reflected the general alteration in TANU policy which was to be embodied in the Arusha Declaration a few days later .
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