Example sentences of "[noun prp] [conj] it [was/were] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 EUROPEAN Community officials were stoking fears last night of an all-out trade war with the United States after it was disclosed that British and other European steelmakers could face crippling new duties on exports to America .
2 Potatoes were planted on Good Friday as it was believed that this was one day on which the Devil had no power to poison and ruin the soil .
3 The discrepancy was recognized in 1859 by Leverrier and it was proposed that a small undetected planet was the cause .
4 The possibility of attacking Korea as part of this process was considered in May but it was decided that the Kyushu operation should be sufficient .
5 They were due to give a concert at the Odeon , Weston-super-Mare and it was planned that we would do our piece with the Stones on the roof .
6 Willie Baxter was gripped by fear , he did n't understand it , he hated the dark tunnels , he stopped walking and the noise stopped ; by now Willie was probably near the point where the tunnels passed under the River Clyde and it was said that it was possible to hear the sound of a ship 's propeller whenever a vessel passed overhead .
7 The first signs of trouble came when the Ynys Mon Express of Sunday , July 19 had to be diesel piloted from Rhyl after it was ruled that Black Five 5305 was a particular risk .
8 He said : ‘ This was discussed during the hearing at the House of Lords and it was said that if a case was brought the Attorney General would quash it , and that has been confirmed by lawyers .
9 He said : ‘ This was discussed during the hearing at the House of Lords and it was said that if a case was brought the Attorney-General would quash it and that has been confirmed by lawyers .
10 Jack was offered voluntary redundancy in late August and it was confirmed that there was suitable accommodation at the Kings Lodge base .
11 According to the Lanercost Chronicle , the Bishops of Winchester and Hereford were sent to Renilworth to ask the king to come to parliament , but on 12 January they returned to Westminster and it was announced that the king refused to do so .
12 Share prices rose again in mid-January after it was announced that John Kerridge , chairman of Fisons , had resigned for health reasons .
13 I recall reading that I think it possibly was Skerrymor or Cape Wrath but it was stated that the pendulum clock actually stopped .
14 The following day Maxwell 's sons , Ian and Kevin , resigned from the boards of MGN and MCC after it was revealed that an estimated £350 million was missing from the MGN pension fund and that another £126 million had been used to secure loans to Maxwell private companies .
15 Corals cut Cacoethes from 6-1 to 5-1 co-favourite with Aliysa and Young Mother for Sunday 's Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe after it was confirmed that Steve Cauthen will ride Guy Harwood 's colt .
16 They reinstated the waltz with Gesner and it was observed that it was Therese who was the light , lithe dancer , whirling around the stage , pulling Gesner with her , making him dance in spite of himself .
17 NATFHE members had threatened strike action in April but it was avoided when management agreed to start negotiations about the contracts .
18 It was reported subsequently that Israeli Prime Minister Itzhak Rabin had complained privately to the USA when it was learned that Saudi F-15 planes had been moved to Tabuk , 200 km from Eilat in southern Israel .
19 Most recently , in July 1991 , two fine Balthasar Denner heads of ‘ Old Women ’ were withdrawn from sale in London when it was learned that they had been looted from the Dresden Museum .
20 Glass making prospered in St Helens when it was found that there were suitable local sands which are the main raw material .
21 It was not however accepted by the Court of Appeal in Peter Andrew Russell where it was held that the conversion of the salt ( cocaine hydrochloride ) into the base form amounted to production .
22 He succeeded Noel White and it was noticed that he had , at least , dis-pensed with an ear-ring which had caused comments in at least one boardroom .
23 The programme received financial assistance from UNICEF and it was intended that it should perform three basic tasks :
24 Most of its clients reside in South Wales but it was considered that the West Midlands would offer an additional source of berth holders .
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